Issue - meetings

Agreement to the Commissioning Strategy for Physical and Sensory Disability Services

Meeting: 19/07/2007 - Executive Board (Item 22)

22 Joint Commissioning Strategy for Adults with Physical and/or Sensory Disabilities 2007-2011 - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 63 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director  - Health and Community presenting a draft Physical and Sensory Disability (PSD) Joint Commissioning Strategy, for Adults with Physical and/or Sensory Disabilities, for adoption. The document set out the overarching strategy for the commissioning, design and delivery of services to people in Halton who were physically disabled (including those with sensory disabilities), their families and carers. It was noted that this was the first strategy to be produced for this group of people.


            The strategy had been developed from consultation events involving all stakeholders and evidence from the Housing Needs Survey 2005. Managers and practitioners attended a workshop to further develop ideas that had emerged from consultation. In addition, a half-day action-planning event had been held in April, chaired by the Operational Director for Adults of working Age.


            The policy implications and financial implications were outlined for the Board’s consideration. As with any change programme, it was expected that the implementation of the strategy would be met with resistance and objections. However, this would be managed by ensuring that all staff, service users and carers were fully informed of proposals and rationale, and by listening to and acting on their suggestions.


Reason for Decision


            The strategy provided a focus for the commissioning of services for people with physical and sensory disabilities. The documents would facilitate better business planning for current and prospective provider organisations, and for the Council it would enhance and assure both quality and value for money in the provision of these services.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


            Not applicable.


Implementation Date


            It was intended to begin implementation of the strategy action plan immediately.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)       the joint strategy be adopted; and


(2)       the Physical and Sensory Disabilities Local Improvement Team (LIT) take responsibility for implementation of the strategy and monitoring of progress.