14 British Red Cross - Halton Support at Home Service PDF 64 KB
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The Board welcomed Helen Featherstone, North of England Service Manager for Independent Living Services, British Red Cross (BRC) who provided a presentation to them on the Halton Support at Home Service, which is provided in the Borough by the BRC.
Members were advised that the BRC service supported people for a short period of time (up to 6 weeks) during the difficult transition from hospital to home. The service was an important part of the discharge management process, helping to alleviate the pressure on beds as well as offering practical support to people when they were at their most vulnerable. It was noted that the Service was also available to people in the community to help avoid hospital admission and operated Borough wide, between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.
The report and presentation provided details of the services, activities and interventions which may be provided to individuals whilst using the service. It was noted that under the current contract, BRC provided information on a number of indicators relating to numbers of referrals and numbers of service users, as well as outcome information.
Further to Members queries the following additional information was provided:
· The Health and Wellbeing Walk was praised and there was a similar walk in Runcorn, carried out by another organisation, the details would be sought and provided to the Board;
· People were able to access the BRC services more than once, in fact this had happened already;
· Referrals could come from family, friends and agencies; people were welcome to call the BRC in the first instance; and
· Some referrals did prove challenging due to some clients having complex needs so these would be signposted to an additional service for help.
RESOLVED: That the Board note the contents of the report and accompanying presentation.