Issue - meetings

Healthwatch Halton – Domiciliary Care Services in Halton

Meeting: 26/11/2019 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 15)

15 Healthwatch Halton – Domiciliary Care Services in Halton pdf icon PDF 66 KB

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The Board welcomed Kath Parker, the Chair of Healthwatch Advisory Board who presented the outcomes from Healthwatch Halton’s recent survey on Domiciliary Care Services in Halton.


It was reported that in 2016, Healthwatch Halton undertook a project to gather the views of people using Home Care Services (Domiciliary Care) in Halton.   Over 140 people took part in the survey, which concluded that the vast majority of service users were satisfied with their care but there were some issues that needed to be addressed and as such, the report made a number of recommendations.


It was noted that at the time the report was published, Halton Borough Council announced a review of provision of Domiciliary Care services across the Borough and following the review recommissioned home care services, with the contract being awarded to one main provider.  Subsequently, HBC were interested in how the new provider was performing against issues the previous report had raised and as such, Healthwatch Halton undertook an evaluation of the new service provision as well.   This report, published 24 October 2019, was appended to the report: Domiciliary Care Services in Halton – what people told us about their experiences.


          Members were pleased to receive the report and the consensus was that an 80% satisfaction rate overall was a very good figure.  They also recognised that there were consistent problems for the provider such as the continuity of carers; length of visit times; and high staff turnover for example. 


          The following points were discussed and noted following Members queries:


·       Vera’s Story and what would happen next in this scenario;

·       Some clients were not clear about the care options available to them;

·       The importance of independent advice for clients from other agencies and what could be done to improve this part of the service – it was agreed that this needed to be clarified;

·       Continuity of care was recognised as a huge issue for the provider and was being monitored on a monthly basis; and

·       A response to the survey had since been provided, a copy of which would be included in a future report to the Board.


RESOLVED:  That the Board notes the Healthwatch Halton report relating to domiciliary Care Services in Halton.