17 Named Social Worker / Transition Team PDF 128 KB
The Strategic Director People, provided Members of the Board an update on the work of the Transition Team, based within the Care Management Division of Adult Services. It focussed on the continued use of the Named Social Worker (NSW) approach, following the provision of funding from One Halton for 2019-20.
As Members were already aware of the Transition Team and Named Social Worker pilot, they were provided with summary of this as a reminder. The report continued, with an update on funding for 2019-20 and gave details of current activity.
It was reported that since April 2019 when One Halton funding was identified, the Transition Team had continued to have an impact on the lives of young people. The intensive and pro-active work of the team, enhanced by the NSW approach, resulted in better outcomes for individuals at the same time as achieving cost savings. A case study demonstrating this was attached at appendix 1.
Members were pleased to receive the report and on behalf of the Board the Chair passed on their thanks to all staff involved in the pilot. Members discussed the sustainability of the project bearing in mind the caseloads were set to increase in the future. The importance of keeping family members and communities together was recognised.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.