Issue - meetings

Sport and Recreation Team

Meeting: 10/02/2020 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 35)

35 Sport and Recreation Team pdf icon PDF 128 KB


The Board received the Council’s Sport and Recreation Service’s Annual Report for the period 2018-19 and accompanying  presentation from the Leisure Centres Manager, Community and Environment.


It was reported that the team had two distinct areas:


·       The Sports Development Team; and

·       Management of the Council’s 3 leisure centres – Kingsway Leisure Centre, Brookvale Recreation Centre and Runcorn Swimming Pool.


The report outlined the responsibilities for the Team and their day to day duties and presented information on local projects being delivered under six Themes: Increasing Participation and Widening Access; Club Development; Coach Education and Volunteering; Sporting Excellence; Finance and Funding for Sport and Sports Facilities.


Members welcomed the presentation and the following comments were made in response to questions:


·       The Sports Development Team went into schools to promote the service and facilities available to students in the Borough;

·       The ‘teen-gym’ (11-15 year olds) was explained;

·       Despite ongoing maintenance issues, Runcorn Swimming Pool would remain open;

·       The plans for a new leisure centre in Widnes were welcomed but the need for a new one in Runcorn was also recognised;

·       Brookvale Leisure Centre would be upgraded in the future;

·       The need to retain and develop staff was a priority and retention plans were being looked at;

·       Feedback was requested from customers who did not renew or cancelled their Memberships; and

·       The leisure market was becoming more competitive year after year and ongoing challenges that were faced with the recruitment of skilled staff and attracting custom because of this were recognised.


RESOLVED:  That the Board welcomes the progress being made in encouraging and supporting residents to be active.