Issue - meetings

High Needs Review

Meeting: 20/07/2020 - Children Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board (Item 6)

6 Education, Inclusion & Provision Update pdf icon PDF 122 KB


The Board considered a report from the Strategic Director – People, which provided a summary of the work of the Education, Inclusion and Provision Department, during the COVID-19 outbreak.


It was reported that although most staff had been working from home throughout the lockdown, the Officers in the Education, Inclusion and Provision Department had continued to provide key services.  Members were provided with summaries of some of the key activates that had taken place since 23 March 2020, in the following areas:


§  Early Years and School Improvement;

§  School Improvement and Governance;

§  Behaviour Support Service;

§  Halton Virtual Schools;

§  Placements;

§  Policy, Provision and Performance;

§  Inclusion (0-25); and

§  Broader Council support.


Members questions following the presentation were as follows:


Concerns were raised over a second spike in Autumn/Winter, would schools be likely to close in a local lockdown scenario – a detailed lockdown plan had been set across Halton and Warrington and a number of different scenarios included.  With regards to outbreaks in schools, a decision on whether to close a whole school or not would be made by the Outbreak Team, after making their assessments as to the level of threat.  Public Health England (PHE) had been asked to create guidance for parents and students. 


Could governors have access to lockdown plans as well – yes this information could be shared with governors.


What support was in place for our A Level students – the 14-19 Team would go into schools and provide advice and guidance as to the opportunities available to them.  Most schools were agreeable to physical appointments with officers.  Schools would also invite students in to discuss their results.


            Members noted that despite the difficulties Covid-19 had brought the Department, services had coped remarkably well and they passed on their thanks to all staff.


RESOLVED:  That the report and comments made be noted.