5 Support for Children and Families during COVID 19 PDF 133 KB
Additional documents:
The Board was presented with a report from the
Strategic Director – People, that gave an update on support provided to
children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Appended to this was the Team Around the Family – Our Service Response during COVID-19
Members were advised that throughout the
lockdown the iCART had been in operation and although
most staff were working from home, there had been a rota of social work staff
in the office ready to respond to any immediate safeguarding concerns. Similarly, early help staff had been
operating from children’s centres and providing day care when needed along with
other forms of family support, either virtually or by visiting and observing social
distancing guidance.
The report provided summaries for each of the
service areas as follows:
§ Early Help Services;
§ Disabled Children’s Services (DCS);
§ Daycare at Warrington Road and
§ Safeguarding and children in care;
§ Children in care and care leavers;
§ Fostering Service;
§ Inglefield;
§ Placements Team;
§ Educational outcomes and effective
practice for children in care and care leavers;
§ Personal Education Plans; and
§ Safeguarding Unit.
Further to Members questions the following
responses were provided:
you able to visit children at high risk – yes we were able to do this, at times
working with the Police to gain access if needed. Social distancing measures were adhered to
and no infection transmissions were reported.
How are
we coping with mental health issues and do we have the resources to manage any
increases in demand for the service – Public Health England had invested in online
learning courses around mental health first aid for staff, to help them
identify when mental health is a problem with an individual. The specialist CAMHS help was also still
available. There was also extra work
done in house, training staff to support and guide parents; the Education
Psychologist Service was also available and the Health Improvement Team had
many resources accessible on the Council’s website.
Are the
Court hearings up and running again for adoptions - yes
they are back and one was completed last week.
There was still a small backlog to clear however the cases were being
heard via hybrid court hearings across Cheshire and Merseyside, which enabled
parents to attend whilst some officials dial in, so that social distancing can
be observed in the courts.
That the report and comments made be noted.