Issue - meetings

Corporate Accident / Incident Annual Report 2019/20

Meeting: 08/09/2020 - Corporate Policy and Performance Board (Item 12)

12 Corporate Accident / Incident Annual Report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 60 KB

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The Board was provided with a report from the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which presented details of health and safety management within the Authority from 1 April 2019 to 31st March 2020.


The report highlighted health and safety incidents that had taken place over the past twelve months and as a result of those incidents proposed actions for the future. In addition the report included information around the number of actual near misses, accidents that had resulted over 7 day absences, together with significant accidents. In summary:


·         there had been a decrease in significant incidents whilst over 7 day injuries have remained the same as the previous year at 16;


·         there had also been a total of 8 near misses, a decrease of 4 from the previous year. Slips, trips and falls, Manual Handling incidents and equipment use accidents had all decreased;


·         violent Incidents were showing a rise in the number of verbal incidents compared to last year’s figures and physical incidents have rose from 10 to 12 in the last 12 months. There had also been a rise in physical incidents but no reported verbal incidents within Halton schools;


·         lone working monitoring system usage data showed seventy nine users had been deleted for non-use across both directorates despite mandatory use being approved and endorsed by Management Team;


·         Display Screen Equipment assessments had risen to 32 for 2019 compared to 23 throughout 2018 with staff coming forward to report various health issues surrounding Musculoskeletal Disorders; and


·         Risk Assessments completed on the corporate risk assessment system had risen from 1432 in 2018/19 to 1859 in 2019/20 following consultations at Joint Consultative Committee Meetings across the Authority.


            Arising from the discussion Members were advised on the home working risk assessments currently in place for staff which included:


·         delivery of specialist equipment such as chairs and tables to their home;

·         Managers had carried out appropriate assessments and there had been continuous support from the Health and Safety Team;

·         support had been provided to those staff to work from a Council building;

·         the Learning and development team provided online mental health learning and support to staff; and

·         a workforce survey was being developed to go out to staff.


            A Member queried the legal implications of deleting staff from the lone working system and it was reported that there were other lone working controls in place, however this would be looked into.


                        RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


