12 Cheshire Anti Slavery Strategic Partnership PDF 69 KB
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The Board considered a report on the work being undertaken to ensure a Pan-Cheshire response to the issue of Modern Day Slavery. Since 2016, funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner, there had been a Cheshire Anti-Slavery Network bringing together key partners supported by an Independent Chair. This network had worked towards developing training packages, ensuring clear victim pathways and sharing best practices.
In 2019 it was agreed that the four local authorities in the Cheshire Sub-Region and the Police and Crime Commissioner would fund the Cheshire Anti-Slavery Network (CASN) for two years with a joint funding pot of a one off contribution of £4,000 each. A new Cheshire Anti-Slavery Strategic Partnership had been established and details of the Partnerships future work plan, role, responsibilities and suggested outcomes was set out in the report.
The Board discussed recent issues around the Daresbury Hotel which housed up to 200 asylum seekers. It was noted that the Hotel was being well managed and weekly meetings took place with Circo.
In addition, the Board discussed concerns around the possibility of regulation of nail bars. At present the responsibility for nail bars was with the Health and Safety Executive. The Chair of the Board agreed that he would write to the Local Member of Parliament expressing the Board’s concerns around the regulation of nail bars.
RESOLVED: That the work being undertaken to ensure a Pan-Cheshire response to the issue of Modern Day Slavery be noted.