The Board received an update on the progress of the NHS First Project
from the Chief Clinical Officer, NHS Halton CCG.
It was reported that the NHS 111 First was a National Programme
that would be rolled out in all systems by December 2020. This was the
point of contact, as well as GP practices, that people went to when
experiencing a health issue that was not immediately life threatening.
Members were advised that with COVID-19 still being a real threat the adapted
responses to delivery of the Programme must be maintained.
The report discussed the national expectations of the Programme and it
was noted that Warrington was one of two ‘early mover’ sites in the North West,
which went live with NHS 111 First on
8 September 2020. Warrington would cover the Warrington CCG population
and the Runcorn part of Halton’s population and the
St Helens system would include Halton’s Widnes
population when it goes live by December 2020.
The following additional information
was provided following Members queries:
Project had gone live with only a soft launch so far, as it was not yet
available in all North West areas, this included press releases and contact
with engagement groups for example;
structured communications plan would be prepared in time for when the wider
North West area was live with the Project and would include raising awareness
across all areas; this plan would be shared with LA colleagues and Members;
modelling for the Project was based on demand and capacity and managing demand
differently, so patients should be treated in less time although very ill
patients would still be prioritised; and
West Ambulance Service (NWAS) had been consulted on this and the Chief
Executive was the lead officer; it was noted that it would cause no ambulances
to be deflected when the Project started.
RESOLVED: That the update and progress be noted.