The Board received a report from the Strategic
Director – People, which provided an overview of the Transforming Domiciliary
Care Programme and Adult Social Care response to the Healthwatch Survey undertaken in October 2019.
The Transforming Domiciliary Care Programme commenced in 2016 with the aim of improving the
provision and quality of care commissioned by Halton Borough Council. A Programme Board
was established in 2018 and in 2019 the original programme
of work was reviewed and updated following consultation with key stakeholders.
It was noted that the overall purpose of the Programme remained the same, to provide a modern and
sustainable domiciliary care service across Halton. There were five Programme
aims that had been identified; these were listed in paragraph 3.3 of the
Members were advised that following development
of a Work Programme a series of workstreams
were established (paragraph 3.4) and each workstream
reported into the Transforming Domiciliary Care Programme
Board. Officers advised Members that
these workstreams had to be paused due to the
Pandemic, but would be resumed as soon as possible. The Board’s Co-opted Member from Healthwatch
offered their assistance with the Outcomes workstream.
Further to the publication of Healthwatch Halton’s
survey of people in receipt of domiciliary care in October 2019, the Board was referred to the 9 key areas for
consideration that emerged from this.
These were outlined in the report together with the Council’s responses.
That the report is noted.