Issue - meetings

Cheshire Police Therapy Dog Trial

Meeting: 17/11/2020 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 17)

17 Cheshire Police Therapy Dog Trial pdf icon PDF 66 KB


            The Board received a presentation from PC Jane Tetlow in relation to the new initiative to trial a Police therapy dog in the Northern division of Cheshire. Cheshire Police would be the first North West Force to pioneer this resource with the aim to improve victim engagement, staff wellbeing and youth intervention and diversion. The therapy dogs would work alongside the Safer Schools Young Persons Partnership Officers. Their work involved working closely with schools, Beat Management and Partnerships to anticipate problems involving young people and their families. They regularly attended schools dedicated to additional educational needs working with those individuals.


            PC Tetlow outlined to the Board examples of ways the therapy dog could be used in Halton and the benefits this would bring.


            RESOLVED That the report be noted.