22 COVID-19 Response and Restoration & Recovery of Clinical Services PDF 912 KB
The Board welcomed Lee Bloomfield from North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (FT), who provided an update in respect to North West Borough’s Healthcare NHS FT’s response to Covid-19 and the subsequent restoration and recovery of clinical services for the local population of Halton.
The report gave an overview of the current Trust and local Borough service delivery, patient activity including referral rates, activity levels, waiting list sizes and how and where care was being delivered. It also detailed the process the Trust had undertaken to restore services in the short term and detailed the process for the medium and long term.
It was noted that the report was produced using a snapshot approach, focussing on two points – weeks commencing 2 March 2020 and 10 August 2020.
On behalf of the Board the Chair thanked the presenter and queried the position with regards to Child and Adults Mental Health Services. This information would be made available to the Board following the meeting.
RESOLVED: That the presentation be received and comments made noted.