Issue - meetings

Halton Hospital and Wellbeing Campus Strategic Outline Case

Meeting: 24/11/2020 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 24)

24 Halton Hospital and Wellbeing Campus Strategic Outline Case pdf icon PDF 760 KB


The Board considered a report which provided an overview of progress to date of the plans for new hospital developments in Warrington and Halton, and sought support to continue to progress the plans for Halton Hospital site redevelopment and to ensure the provision of hospital services in a modern fit for purpose estate.


Members welcomed Lucy Gardener, from Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, who presented the update.


The Board was advised that following the Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHSFT’s publication of its Estate and Facilities Strategy 2019-2024, the need for modernisation and reconfiguration on both the Warrington and Halton sites was reiterated.  This included the provision of a new hospital for Warrington and the completion of the development of a hospital and wellbeing campus on the Halton site.


It was reported that the Strategic Outline Cases (SOCs) had been developed for both and reviewed by NHSE with positive feedback received.  Further, the SOCs had been approved by the Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHSFT’s Board and by Warrington and Halton CCGs.  In order to further progress the planning for the new hospitals to the next stage, Executive Board was asked to give their support to the programme and support in progressing to the next state of business case development, this was agreed at the last meeting of the Executive Board in November.


 Following Members queries, it was confirmed that the new extension to Halton Hospital would be completed before the demolition of buildings where services were currently being delivered.  So there would be no loss of services from the Halton site, including the Brooker Centre.  More information would be provided in the full business case once this was available.


One Member requested sight of the Strategic Outline Cases.  It was noted that once final NHSE approval had been given, they would be shared with the Board.


RESOLVED:  That the Board notes the report.