The Board considered a report from the Clinical Chief Officer NHS Halton CCG and the Director of Strategy, Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals (WHTH) NHS Foundation Trust (FT) on the creation of a ‘Health Hub’, delivering some outpatient hospital services from Runcorn Shopping City.
It was reported that a partnership between WHTH NHS FT, Halton Borough Council and the Liverpool City Region (LCR) had developed a plan to utilise unused retail space in Runcorn Shopping City to deliver a number of clinical services. The report outlined the context, the progress made to date and described the next steps with regard to undertaking a patient, public and staff pre-engagement and consultation exercise to consider the proposal and detail within these plans. Appended to the report was the ‘Draft Consultation FAQ’s – Runcorn Shopping City’.
Following the presentation the Healthwatch Co-optee Member to the Board offered their assistance with the promotion of the pre-engagement work and the 8-week consultation through their networks, as well the opportunity to carry out engagement using their online Zoom sessions. One Member suggested that the Council’s Customer Intelligence Unit may be able to assist with the survey as they had experience of conducting these in the past.
RESOLVED: That the Health Policy and Performance Board receives the proposal outlining the proposed actions to proceed with engagement and consultation relating to the proposed service expansion and/or relocation of services at Runcorn Shopping City as outlined.