10 Halton’s Adult Social Care: COVID-19 Winter Plan 2020/21 PDF 89 KB
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The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services, which provided an overview of Halton’s Adult Social Care COVID-19 Winter Plan 2020-21. On 18th September 2020, the Government published the National ASC:COVID-19 Winter Plan, which was developed from the work undertaken nationally by the ASC COVID-19 Taskforce during the summer.
As part of the national plan, Local Authorities were required to write to the Department of Health and Social Care by 31st October 2020 confirming that they had put in place a winter plan and that they were working with care providers in their area on their business continuity plans. They were also asked to highlight any key issues in order to receive a second instalment of the Infection Control Fund. A copy of Halton’s Plan was attached at Appendix 1 of the report.
The overall aim of Halton’s Winter Plan 2020/21 was to ensure that high quality, safe and timely care was provided to everyone who needed it during the winter, whilst continuing to protect people who need care, their carers and the social care workforce from COVID-19. The objective and areas covered by the Plan were also outlined in the report.
RESOLVED: That the report and associated appendices be noted.