Issue - meetings

Covid 19 - Updated Working

Meeting: 09/02/2021 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 25)

25 Covid 19 - Updated Working pdf icon PDF 117 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, on the range of services that Halton Community Safety Partnership had put in place during the Covid-19 Pandemic to support the community. The report provided an update on:


·         Widnes and Runcorn Policing;

·         Operation Pandas – an internal major response stood up by Cheshire police which covered the response, management and coordination of all aspects of Coronavirus;

·         School Liaison work;

·         Domestic Abuse services, raising awareness, press releases, webchat, refuge facilities and MARAC meetings;

·         Licensing issues;

·         ASB Victim and Witness Support Services;

·         Counter Terrorism and Channel Policing during lockdown; and

·         Digital Safety resources during Covid-19


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.