Issue - meetings

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

Meeting: 09/02/2021 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 27)

27 Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received an update report on the activities being supported across the Borough in response to domestic and sexual violence. It was noted that the new Halton Domestic Abuse Service, integrated family model had been awarded to WHAG, a specialist domestic abuse provider. The new model would focus on the whole family and would provide support services and advocacy to adult victims, children affected by domestic abuse and in a change in the way the support services work in Halton interventions would be offered to those who harm.


            The new service began operations in Halton on 4th January 2021. Further information would be sent to Board Members to attend a future lunch and learning session.


            In addition, further reports would be submitted to a future Board meeting on the Public Protection Unit and on the ‘Engage’ initiative.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.