Additional documents:
The Board considered a report, which advised Members on the proposed reforms regarding integration of health and social care. The Chair welcomed Jackie Bene (Chief Executive) and Alan Yates (Chair) from the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (C&MHCP), who presented the item.
The guests advised the Board of the national development of the integrated framework and the local application of this framework across Cheshire and Merseyside, and how these two matters were linked.
Members were referred to Appendix one which highlighted some consultation responses to the proposals from the Liverpool City Region (LCR) and Appendix two, which gave some examples of points for consideration at the meeting today.
In response to Board Member’s queries and concerns on the proposals, the following information was provided:
· The framework would allow local authorities to make their own arrangements at a local level. The main body pulling together plans for Halton would be the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB), in partnership with other agencies, who would represent the health needs of the local population;
· Each local authority would have a representative on the overarching Board, eg the Chair of the HWBB;
· There will be opportunity at a local level for challenging the arrangements alongside partners;
· It was noted that there were omissions in the Paper and lack of detail around social care and care homes, but this could be developed at a local level with flexibility to suit need;
· The ‘Discharge and Assess’ model was seen as preferable to assessing then discharge, which was highlighted during the Pandemic;
· ‘One Halton’ would remain the driving force for Health reforms in Halton;
· A reliable IT system that worked for all was imperative to the success of the integration as so many users will be involved;
· It was recognised that strong relationships between communities, agencies and the local authority was important to develop deep knowledge of local people and this ethos would be supported under the new framework;
· It was hoped that in 3 years time the integrated programme would result in better partnership working, improved health of the local population, reduced inequalities and an overall improved service for the benefit of the population of Halton.
RESOLVED: That the report, appendices and comments made be noted.