3 Presentation from Anthony Walker Foundation STOP HATE, SPEAK OUT PDF 58 KB
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The Board received a presentation from Natalie Denny, on behalf of the Anthony Walker Foundation. The presentation outlined the stop hate, speak out campaign which was a new initiative to tackle and prevent racially and religiously discriminatory behaviour and those acting against others because of their race or faith. The campaign consisted of:
· A new hate crime reporting tool;
· A young people led digital marketing campaign; and
· The delivery of a host of education and training opportunities.
The Board was advised on the training and education provided to date by the Foundation for professionals and young people to support communities to report hate crime whilst providing improved awareness/understanding of consequences/impact of hate crime from participants and to support the transformation of prejudicial view, ignorance and faulty perceptions and beliefs. In addition, the Board noted the work of the Foundation in their support for 12 young people with the aim to secure employment for them.
Arising from the discussion, the Board enquired if training was available for Local Councillors. In response, the Board was advised that this was something that could be explored.
RESOLVED: That the Board note the contents of the presentation and agree Halton’s participation in the project.