Issue - meetings

Community Trigger Update

Meeting: 15/06/2021 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 7)

7 Community Trigger Update pdf icon PDF 105 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided an update on the current Community Trigger scheme. The Community Trigger element of the Home Offices Reform of anti-social behaviour powers was launched on 1 October 2014. Updated guidance in respect of Community Trigger was subsequently published in January 2021.


            In Halton, the process was managed within the Safer Halton Partnership (SHP) and was under regular review through Managers of each of the Safer Partnerships across the Cheshire Sub Region. The report outlined how the SHP would deal with requests/applications for the Community Trigger within Halton including details on timescales and the appeal process.


            Members suggested that the document should also include complaints submitted on behalf of residents from Elected Representatives or Member of Parliament. It was agreed that it would be amended to include this suggestion.


            RESOLVED: The report and action plan be noted.