5 Pavement Licence Policy PDF 71 KB
Additional documents:
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided information on the Halton Pavement Licence (Outdoor Seating) Policy and Procedure July 2021, a copy of the document was attached as Appendix A to the report.
The purpose of the Policy was to support the legislative changes brought about by the Business and Planning Act 2020. The Policy would be temporary until 30 September 2022 or such other date defined in legislation. Members were advised that the Policy document introduced a streamlined route for businesses such as cafes, restaurants and bars to secure a licence to place furniture on the highway until 30 September 2022. This would support them to operate safely whilst social distancing measures remained in place and would improve the viability of hospitality businesses and protect as many hospitality jobs as possible.
Arising from the discussion it was requested that the outdoor furniture outside a café in Hale Village be looked at.
RESOLVED: That the Board endorses the draft policy in Appendix A for presentation to the Executive Board.