Issue - meetings

Educational Position and Updates 2021

Meeting: 13/09/2021 - Children Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board (Item 13)

13 Educational Position and Updates 2021 pdf icon PDF 128 KB


The Board received a report of the Strategic Director – People, which provided an annual report regarding the educational position in Halton along with key updates.


It was noted that due to the cancellation of Early Years and Primary Assessments and the changes due to Covid-19 for Secondary and Post 16 Assessments, performance data was not available this year.  Further, due to the subsequent Department for Education’s response, there had been many changes to educational provision, assessment and examination during 2020.  The validated national results would not be published this year for the second consecutive year.


The report provided Members’ with updates in the following areas:


·         Statutory assessment and key issues;

·         Educational challenges for September 2021 onwards and strategies to support;

·         The National Tutoring Programme;

·         Catch Up Premium; and

·         The return to school / Education in September 2021.


Members were reassured that when the statistics did become available they would be shared with them.


RESOLVED:  That the report and comments made be noted.

