16 Intermediate Care & Frailty Services in Halton: Update PDF 84 KB
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The Board received a report of the Strategic Director – People, which provided an update on implementation of a new model for the delivery of Intermediate Care and Frailty Services in the Borough, since the last update report presented to the Board in February 2021.
As outlined previously, one of the key aspects of the new service would be the introduction of a Single Point of Access (SPA) and the integration of the previous frailty service provided by the Halton Integrated Frailty Service (HIFS), with the ability to provide a Community Rapid Response within 2 hours, if assessed as necessary. The key objective of the SPA therefore, was to ensure the seamless, safe management of referrals for people requiring Adult Community Services, to either potentially prevent an admission, support early discharge, or co-ordinate care closer to home.
Members were referred to Appendix one which provided further detailed information on the model and Appendix two, which displayed the pathway into the new ICFS.
Further to a request from the Chair, an update would be provided at a future meeting.
RESOLVED: That the Board notes the report and appendices.