Issue - meetings

Probation Service North West Unpaid Work Scheme

Meeting: 09/11/2021 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 17)

17 Probation Service North West Unpaid Work Scheme pdf icon PDF 70 KB


            The Board received a presentation from Kerri Bendon, from the National Probation Service, who provided the Board with a presentation on the current arrangements in relation to the unpaid work scheme, known as the ‘Community Payback Scheme’. The presentation outlined to Members:


·         The different strands of activity across Halton and Cheshire, highlighting how the partnership was meeting its responsibilities;

·         An overview of the community payback scheme and the core principles which included: credible punishment, visible to the public, rehabilitation, public involvement (community nominations for projects), it should not replace paid employment; and the safety of staff, public and service user was paramount; and

·         The type of community payback work undertaken in Cheshire.


RESOLVED: That the report and presentation be noted.