Issue - meetings

Procurement of Services for Capital Funded Highway Improvement Schemes

Meeting: 18/11/2021 - Executive Board (Item 51)

51 Procurement of Services for Capital Funded Highway Improvement Schemes pdf icon PDF 78 KB


The Board considered a report from the Strategic Director – Enterprise, Community and Resources, which sought approval to proceed with the procurement of services for the delivery of capital funded highway improvements across the Borough.


The existing contract was held by Lambros Ltd and would expire on 5 August 2022.  It was proposed that the new tender is set up for a three-year period with an option to award a one-year extension – this was in line with current capital funding arrangements through the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA).  The anticipated tender date would be early February 2022 with a contract start date of 6 August 2022.


The report discussed the value of the contract and the tender process and evaluation.  The cost of the works delivered through this contract would be met from approved budget allocations for capital funding received via LCRCA and the local Transport Plan integrated transport block grant, from the Department for Transport (DfT).


RESOLVED:  That the Board approves a procurement process to secure a delivery contractor for capital funded highway improvement works.