Issue - meetings

Approval of an Action Plan that will outline the Council's proposals for meeting future waste management targets

Meeting: 19/07/2007 - Executive Board (Item 20)

20 Inter Authority Agreement and Waste Action Plan - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Environment setting out the way in which the Council intended to discharge part of its Waste Disposal functions and seeking approval to move forward with the development and implementation of enhanced waste recycling services in Halton.


            It was noted that a Members’ Seminar had been held on waste management issues on 12th June 2007. This Seminar had set out the proposed future strategic and operational plans, including the implementation of enhanced recycling services and the partnership arrangement with the Mersey Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA). The Seminar had highlighted the significant financial implications associated with waste management and the major investment required in both the short and long term.


            The Executive Board was now requested to consider and approve the delegation of defined aspects of the Council’s waste disposal functions to allow MWDA to procure contracts on behalf of Halton, the principles of which would be detailed in a formal Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA) with the MWDA. Members were also asked to consider and approve Halton’s Waste Action Plan, which had been updated following the Members’ Seminar. Further information was provided within the report regarding the IAA and the Waste Action Plan.


The Board considered a number of issues including:


  • the responsibility of contractors to replace splitting bins;
  • who green bins were to be delivered to and how, if they were not required by a resident, the Council would collect the bin if requested to do so;
  • the fact that the policy previously agreed, of not taking side refuse, was being phased in gradually;
  • how a further 20 “bring sites” were to be identified across the Borough; and
  • the fact that recycling facilities were being incorporated into developments as part of the planning process.


Reason for Decisions


            A formal partnership agreement with the MWDA was required in order for Halton to be included in the procurement of Waste Treatment Services and facilities by the MWDA.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


            The options that had been considered, and had led to a decision to work in partnership with the MWDA, were detailed in previous reports presented to the Executive Board.


Implementation Date


            Implementation was expected by September 2007, following consultation between relevant Officers and Elected Members.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)               the Council, acting under the authority of the Relevant Powers and in accordance with the Partnership Ethos, enter into an arrangement with the Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (“MWDA”) for the discharge by the MWDA of the functions of the Council (in its capacity as Waste Disposal Authority) specified in this resolution (“the Arrangement”) to achieve the Purpose;


(2)               the Strategic Director – Environment, in consultation with the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy, the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Leisure and Sport, and the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Policy, be authorised to take all actions and to make any decisions deemed appropriate in connection with and in the furtherance of the Arrangement (including entering into the Inter Authority Agreement referred to below), and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20