Issue - meetings

Acquisition of St Paul's Mews, Runcorn

Meeting: 17/02/2022 - Executive Board (Item 77)

Acquisition of St Paul's Mews, Runcorn

Additional documents:


The Board received a report of the Strategic Director – Enterprise, Community and Resources, requesting approval to the acquisition of the freehold property of 1-4 St Pauls Mews, Runcorn.


Supporting information and financial implications in respect of the proposal were outlined in the report.


RESOLVED:  That Executive Board


1)    approves the acquisition and of the freehold interest in 1-4 St Pauls Mews, Runcorn, as reported in paragraph 3.4;


2)    authorises the Operational Director for Economy, Enterprise and Property, to arrange for all required documentation for the transactions to be completed to the satisfaction of the Operational Director for Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services; and


3)    requests that full Council amend the Capital Programme to accommodate this purchase.