10 Amendment to Capital Programme PDF 73 KB
The Board considered a report from the Operational Director – Community and Environment, which provided information on planned landscape and public open space improvement schemes to be undertaken and to ask Members to approve a capital budget allocation and expenditure in order to complete these works.
There were several major landscape improvement schemes planned over the next 2-3 years – the report provided details of these projects, the costings for each, and how they would be funded.
RESOLVED: That the Executive Board approves
1) the sum of £1,988,342.71, received from Mersey Link for the reinstatement of Mersey Gateway temporary works areas, be added to the Capital Programme;
2) that £1m of capital borrowing be added to the Capital Programme to be used as match funding towards the Brindley Green element of Runcorn Town Centre Investment Plan;
3) the annual revenue cost of £57k to service the £1m capital borrowing to be funded from the Contingency budget; and
4) the Council’s Environment Services Division prepare remedial works plans for the former Mersey Gateway temporary works areas and appoint any necessary consultants and contractors to carry out these works.