4 2021/22 Revenue and Capital Financial Outturn PDF 331 KB
The Board considered a report from the Operational Director – Finance, advising of the Council’s overall revenue and capital net spending outturn position for the year 2021/22.
It was reported that the final accounts for 2021/22 were nearing completion. The revenue spending position for each Department was shown in Appendix one; which presented a summary of spending against the operational revenue budget and costs relating to Covid; Appendix two provided detailed figures for each individual Department. In overall terms, the outturn position for the year showed that operational net spend was over the approved budget by £1.195m; this excluded unfunded Covid cost of £1.118m, the costs of which had been met directly from earmarked reserves. Appendix 3 contained the Capital Programme for each Directorate as at 31 March 2022.
The outturn position was a significant improvement on the forecast overspend of £2.998m reported at the end of quarter 3. There were a number of reasons for the improved financial position; these were detailed in the report. The key budget variances for the quarter were outlined for the Board, from the following Departments:
and Families Department;
Social Care Department;
Inclusion and Provision;
Health and Public Protection;
Planning and Transportation; and
and Environment.
Members were also advised of the financial impact of Covid-19 and a summary of the general Government funding made available to the Council to date was given.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.