Issue - meetings

Departmental Service Plans 2007-10

Meeting: 07/03/2007 - Council (Item 74)

74 Executive Board - 22nd February 2007 - Departmental Service Plans 2007-10 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to make any final amendments and adjustments that may be required and to approve the final service plans.


            The Executive Board had considered a report requesting the adoption of the Council’s Departmental Service Plans for 2007-2010 as a basis for action and performance monitoring. A copy of the draft Service Plans had been circulated to all Members of the Council on a CD for consideration.


            RESOLVED: That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to make any final amendments and adjustments that may be required and to approve the final Service Plans.

Meeting: 22/02/2007 - Executive Board (Item 89)

89 Departmental Service Plans 2007-10 (Key Decision) pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy regarding the Council’s Departmental Service Plans for 2007-2010.


            It was noted that Departmental Service Plans sat within an established planning framework and were central to the Council’s performance management arrangements. They provided a clear statement on what individual services were planning to achieve and showed how this contributed to the corporate priorities of the Council. They were an essential tool for making key decisions about future service provision and the level of resources required.


            The Board was advised that there had been no significant amendments to the layout of plans from the previous year. However, following the development of the Corporate Plan 2006-2011 and the introduction of Key Areas of Focus for each of the Council’s Priority areas, the service objectives section of service plans had been revised in order to show more clearly how departmental activities were related to Corporate Priorities.


Members noted that the definitive set of 2007-08 Best Value Performance Indicators had yet to be confirmed by the Department of Communities and Local Government; once this information had been published, any changes that were necessary as a result would be incorporated. In addition, a Budgetary Statement would be inserted into plans following the approval of the budget by full Council in March.


A number of questions were raised by the Environment, Leisure and Sport Portfolio Holder: the Board was requested to direct any further queries in respect of the Plans direct to the Chief Executive.


Reason for Decision


Departmental Service Plans were central to the Council’s performance management arrangements. As such, it was necessary for them to be approved before the start of the new financial year.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected




Implementation Date


1st April 2007.




(1)       this set of advanced draft Service Plans be received; and


(2) full Council be requested to delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to make any final amendments and adjustments that may be required, and to approve the final service plans.