Issue - meetings

The Big Conversation

Meeting: 27/06/2023 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 5)

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The Board received a report presenting the approach being taken to ‘The Big Conversation’, which was integral to formulating a new Council Corporate Plan, to take effect from April 2024.


Further to agreement at Executive Board in March, the Council would provide adequate opportunity for meaningful public consultation and ultimately produce a Corporate Plan, which was unique and meaningful to the people of Halton.


‘The Big Conversation’ was all about engaging with the public so that they understood the challenges the Council is facing.  The approach being taken was between the Council and everyone who lived or worked in Halton, to work together in order to create an improved Borough in all aspects of everyday life.  It was noted that feedback would be welcome in all formats; paper submissions, electronically or face to face, between now and the end of the year.


The report and accompanying presentation outlined the survey themes and questions, the process of data analysis and gave the timescales the project will take, up to the launching of the new Corporate Plan.


Following the presentation and Members’ discussions, the following comments were made:


·         Reference was made to a similar exercise that took place previously called Halton 2000 facilitated by lecturers from Edge Hill University;

·         The five themes were taken from evidence based data from within the Council on the challenges the Borough currently faced and comparisons with other LA’s Corporate Plans across the Country;

·         The themes were about getting the conversation going and it was important to engage everyone in the Borough;

·         Residents’ contribution to a Corporate Plan had not been done before;

·         Suggestions regarding the engagement of ‘hard to reach’ or ‘hidden’ communities were welcome – please contact officers with these;

·         The consultation would also include a range of stakeholders, who will be asked to raise awareness of the survey amongst their organisations;

·         Social media platforms are being used to promote the survey;

·         The onus is on everyone including Councillors to engage people in all walks of life, so that the opportunity to contribute is given to all;

·         Full engagement of the public was crucial to the success of this as the Council cannot do it on its own; and

·         The Pride event taking place on 8 July at Norton Priory was noted.


RESOLVED:  That the Board


1)    note the report; and


2)    endorses the approach to facilitate ‘The Big Conversation’.