Issue - meetings

Preliminary Estimates for Liquid Road Fuel Contracts – Supply of Diesel, Kerosene, HVO and Ad Blue

Meeting: 14/09/2023 - Executive Board (Item 32)

32 Preliminary Estimates for Liquid Road Fuel Contracts – Supply of Diesel, Kerosene, HVO and Ad Blue pdf icon PDF 63 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, that sought approval for the Council to be included in a national procurement exercise in order to award contracts for the supply of Liquid Road Fuels to Council sites.


          The Council currently had a Liquid Road Fuel contract and a contract for the provision of Ad Blue in place with a total expenditure in the region of £733,000 per annum. These contracts were both awarded under a national Framework Agreement procured by Crown Commercial Services (an executive agency sponsored by the Cabinet Office that provided commercial services, including buying services for the public sector). Both contracts would expire on 31 March 2025.


          RESOLVED: That the Board approves the use of Procurement Standing Order 1.4.1 to allow the Council to use a Framework Agreement procured by a Central Purchasing Body (Crown Commercial Services) in compliance with the Public Contracts Regulation 2015.