Issue - meetings

East Runcorn Connectivity

Meeting: 16/11/2023 - Executive Board (Item 58)

58 East Runcorn Connectivity Scheme pdf icon PDF 104 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, which sought approval to accept the funding to complete the full business case in support of the East Runcorn Connectivity Scheme (ERC) project elements that were deliverable within the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) 1 period (ending March 2027). These proposals comprised two of the four elements that constitute the ERC and are:


·       A56 major maintenance – A558 Junction to M56 Junction 11;

·       ERC Active travel routes

·       Silver Jubilee Bridge to Shopping City

·       Runcorn East Station Access

·       Chester Road (A56) to Daresbury Park

·       Halton Brow, Main Street and Norton Lane

·       Bridge Street to Windmill Hill Avenue North

·       Leira Way Connectivity Upgrades/Cycle Loop


          RESOLVED: That


1)    the funding from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement be accepted and the Council be recommended to amend the Capital Programme accordingly;


2)    Mott MacDonald Ltd are retained as external consultant for the project up to a value of £1.61m, via the Warrington Consultancy Framework; and


3)    the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder,  Environment and Urban Renewal, be delegated to procure and implement the necessary works to deliver the A56 East Runcorn Connectivity (ERC) Scheme and active travel routes within funding deadlines.