Issue - meetings

East Runcorn Connectivity (ERC) Project A56 Construction Gateway

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Executive Board (Item 9)

9 East Runcorn Connectivity (ERC) Project A56 Construction Gateway pdf icon PDF 456 KB


          The Board received a report of the Executive Director, Environment and Regeneration, which sought approval to enter into a delivery agreement and commence Stage 5 of the SCAPE Framework process awarding a contract to deliver the A56 major maintenance works to Balfour Beatty. The contract would commence in July subject to approval and was programmed to complete in September 2025.   


          RESOLVED: That


1)    approval be given to awarding a contract to Balfour Beatty via the SCAPE framework to complete the A56 Major Maintenance Scheme;


2)    the Director Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Environment and Urban Renewal, be delegated to accept the Grant Funding Agreement and enable timely delivery of the contract; and


3)    the Director Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Environment and Urban Renewal, be delegated to deal with any matters relating to procurement and operation of this contract.