Issue - meetings

Delivering the Freeport Update

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Executive Board (Item 11)

Delivering the Freeport Update - Key decision


          The Board considered a report of the Executive Director Environment & Regeneration, which provided an update on the progress relating to Halton’s Freeport. The report sought approval to carry out due diligence investigations with a view to acquiring the 44-acre (of which 15 acres were water) Port of Weston site for the regeneration of West Runcorn.


          RESOLVED: That

1)    the report be noted;

2)    the Board supports the approval to carry out due diligence investigations with a view to acquiring the Port of Weston Site (using Freeport funding) for the regeneration of West Runcorn;

3)    delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for Environment & Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Leader to take the necessary steps to progress further the Freeport in Halton as outlined in this report;

4)    following appropriate due diligence, the Board authorises the Director Finance to put in place systems to support the acquisition of land to support the regeneration of West Runcorn; and

5)    approval be sought from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLHUC), via the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Freeport Board, to reallocate Freeport Seed Funds for the planning and construction of an access road onto Port of Weston and to purchase the Port of Weston.