21 Children's Social Care High Cost Placements PDF 221 KB
The Board received a report from the Executive Director, Children’s Services, which provided an update on high cost placements within Children’s Social Care.
Children’s Social Care had seen an increase in the need to use residential provisions over a number of years due to a reducing number of foster carers and difficulties nationally to recruit foster families. This shortage of foster families has led to an increase in the use of residential placements and the age of children living in residential provisions has reduced.
The report provided details of the three highest cost placements and the circumstances surrounding these. It also outlined the efforts being made to engage with providers to establish provisions locally for children that meet their needs.
It was confirmed that the High Cost Place Panel was now in place and some results were being shown. In response to challenges from Members the following additional information was given:
· It was suggested that the High Cost Place Panel has central Government representation – this was currently not the case but the Director would look into the possibility of this;
· The imposing of rate/cost controls on providers – this had been looked into but no progress made so far, although it was still very much an ongoing conversation, so still on the agenda;
· It was recognised that a regional stance was needed in negotiating yearly uplifts from providers;
· The Council has appointed a commissioner specifically for Children’s Social Care placements and to date, this had seen some costs reduce and significant savings had been made; and
· It was suggested that a scrutiny topic group be established to look into this issue further.
The challenges faced by Children’s Services was recognised by the Board as it was a high demand service competing in market with a low number of providers. To add to this, placement costs were continually rising year on year.
Officers would evidence the total amount of savings being made since the introduction of the Commissioner’s role and present at a future meeting of the Board.
RESOLVED: That the report is noted.