Issue - meetings

Licensing Act 2003 Statement of Licensing Policy

Meeting: 12/12/2007 - Council (Item 52)

52 Executive Board - 15th November 2007 (Minute No. EXB56 refers) - Licensing Act 2003 Statement of Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 53 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: that the Statement of Licensing Policy considered at the Executive Board meeting on 20th September 2007 be adopted.

Additional documents:


            The Executive Board had considered a report of the Council Solicitor recommending the adoption of a Statement of Licensing Policy, which had been reviewed in line with the Licensing Act 2003.


            RESOLVED: That the Statement of Licensing Policy considered at the Executive Board meeting on 20th September 2007 be adopted.

Meeting: 15/11/2007 - Executive Board (Item 56)

56 Licensing Act 2003 - Statement of Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


            The Licensing Act 2003 required the Council to adopt a Statement of Licensing Policy and to review the policy every three years. Prior to any review the Council must carry out a consultation exercise. The review of the Council’s existing policy must be completed by January 2008. The Statement of Licensing Policy set out the broad approach of the Council in its approach to it’s licensing functions under the 2003 Act.


            On 20 September 2007 the Council authorised a consultation exercise to be undertaken to review the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy. The consultation period ended on 19 October 2007.


            Only one response was received to the consultation exercise and this was from the British Beer and Pub Association. They commented that they welcome the Council’s positive approach to the licensing of the sale of alcohol and the provision of public entertainment and in particular its recognition of the cultural and social contribution that the trade had made and also its importance as a local employer. They further commented that the draft policy had also recognised one of the key principles of the Licensing Act 2003 namely that each application would be treated on its own merits.  


            RESOLVED: That the Council be recommended to adopt the Statement of Licensing Policy considered at the Executive Board meeting on 20th September 2007.

Meeting: 20/09/2007 - Executive Board (Item 38)

38 Licensing Act 2003 Statement of Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 50 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Council Solicitor requesting the authorisation of a consultation to review the Council’s statement of licensing policy.


            On 15th December 2004 the Council adopted a statement of licensing policy in compliance with its obligations under section 5 Licensing Act 2003. The licensing statement lasts for a three year period and must be re-adopted by the Council for successive three year periods. A licensing statement cannot be re-adopted before the completion of a consultation exercise.


            It was noted that following completion of the consultation exercise any comments and recommendations received would be reported back to the Board for consideration.


            RESOLVED: That a consultation exercise be undertaken in respect of the Council’s statement of licensing policy in accordance with section 5(3) Licensing Act 2003.