Issue - meetings

Job Evaluation Update

Meeting: 23/04/2008 - Council (Item 88)

88 Job Evaluation - Update - Appointments Committee 28th February 2008 (Minute No. APC5 refers) pdf icon PDF 23 KB

The Appointments Committee considered the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: That the process be endorsed.


            The Appointments Committee had considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy regarding the implementation of the National Job Evaluation Scheme.


            With regards to a question from Councillor Harris about the appeal process that would apply where the management representative and trade union representative were not in agreement, it was agreed that a written response be provided.


            In addition, staff were commended on their professionalism that had continued throughout the process, for example the work that had been carried out as part of the Joint Area Review (JAR) process.


            RESOLVED: That the process be endorsed.

Meeting: 28/02/2008 - Appointments Committee (Item 5)

5 Job Evaluation Update pdf icon PDF 23 KB


            The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy providing an update on the implementation of the National Job Evaluation Scheme.


            It was noted that the outcomes for the pay and grading review had recently been implemented, and all staff on Green Book terms and conditions had received a letter explaining their new grade together with an information pack containing details such as what they should do if they wished to exercise their right of appeal. A joint union/management work group had been established, which met on a weekly basis to determine various agreements in connection with the pay and grading review such as the new pay structure, the Appeals Procedure and pay protection. The Unions had been consulted on these matters and a Pay and Grading Framework Agreement had been drafted and signed by all parties.


            Non-teaching jobs in schools had been dealt with in a slightly different way and details were provided for the Committee’s information. It was advised that some schools had already started this process and the Job Evaluation Team had briefed staff and evaluated jobs accordingly.


            The Committee noted that, as the Pay and Grading review could only evaluate the basic grades for jobs, management and Unions now needed to consider how premium payments and local agreements such as consolidated rates would be dealt with and a separate negotiation had commenced to address such issues and ensure corporate consistency.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)               the content of the report be noted;


(2)               the Appeals process be noted and endorsed;


(3)               Council be recommended to endorse the process; and


(4)               Committee Members be advised of the total number of appeals received following the closing date for submission.