Issue - meetings

Approval of Children's Plan Implementation Action Plan and agreement to regularly monitor progress

Meeting: 25/09/2008 - Executive Board (Item 46)

46 Children's Plan pdf icon PDF 98 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People providing a summary of the Children’s Plan.


It was noted that the Plan had been published by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) in September 2007 setting out plans for the next ten years under each of the DCSF’s strategic objectives that would ultimately build a brighter future for children and young people in England. The Plan was based on five main principles, which were outlined within the report, and contained detailed information about plans for the next ten years under each of the DCSF’s strategic objectives. In April 2008, additional materials were published by the DCSF to support local authorities and partner agencies during the implementation of the Children’s Plan.


Appendix 1 to the report contained details of the major actions identified in the Plan, grouped under DCSF strategic outcomes and broken down into Children’s Plan outcomes. It had been agreed that an audit be undertaken of the implications of each of the actions for Halton. The audit would inform the setting of timescales for implementation of the Children’s Plan in Halton. Furthermore, in order to ensure the Plan was embedded in strategic planning, it was proposed that the findings of the audit be used to inform a comprehensive review of the Children and Young People’s Plan in Spring 2009.


The Children’s Plan outlined major changes including a step change in progress towards integration and in the role played by schools and other partners. It also stressed the importance in involving parents and young people at the centre of all developments. It had therefore been agreed that a Communication Strategy be developed and implemented in order to ensure that all partners were aware of the Children’s Plan.


RESOLVED: That the findings of the audit be used to inform a comprehensive review of the Halton Children and Young People’s Plan in Spring 2009.