Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Thursday, 4th June, 2009 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Caroline Halpin on 0151 471 7394 

No. Item




The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2009 were taken as read and signed as correct record.


Liverpool City Region Multi Area Agreement pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


            The Executive Board received a report from the Strategic Director Corporate and Policy which seeked approval for the development of the second phase of the Liverpool City Region’s Multi Area Agreement (MAA).


   One of the proposals set out in the Government’s Sub-National Review of Economic Development and Regeneration was for Government to strengthen the role of local government in delivering economic growth through supporting collaboration by groups of local authorities via the development of voluntary MAAs.  As a result the first element of the Liverpool City Region (LCR) MAA, the Employment and Skills Platform, was approved and signed by the Prime Minister in January 2009.


The remaining three Platform papers for Economy, Housing and Transport, together with a revised background paper, the Storey of Place, had now also been developed and it was proposed that they be submitted to Government for agreement on 9 June 2009.  This report would therefore give an outline of each of the three Platform papers together with the ‘Asks’ of Government and related indicators and targets.  The report requested that Members endorse the elements of the MAA to be negotiated with Government.


The report continued to provide Members with an update on:


  • The implementation of the Employment and Skills Platform; and


  • Delivery/performance management arrangements for the MAA.



RESOLVED:  That the Board


1)     Endorsed the elements of the MAA to be submitted to Government on 9 June 2009, namely the revised Story of Place and the Economy, Housing and Transport ‘Asks’ of Government;


2)     Agrees the timetable and process for the submission of the MAA in June 2009, including the production of an Equality Impact Assessment for the MAA; and


3)     Notes the progress made in implementing the Employment and Skills Platform of the MAA which was signed with Government in January 2009.


Co-optee to Children and Young People PPB pdf icon PDF 27 KB


            The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, Children and Young People requesting them to agree that a representative from the Dioceses of Chester and Liverpool be appointed to the Children and Young People’s Policy and Performance Board.


            Under a Direction issued by the Secretary of State, authorities must appoint diocesan representatives to Scrutiny Committees under s499 Education Act 1996 and DfEE Circular 19/99 all as amended.  These representatives would have voting rights in relation to any decision relating to schools maintained by the LA, pupils who attend schools maintained by the LA or are educated by the LA in some way but not the other business of the Committee.  This was to enable denominations to have a direct input to policies on education provision for pupils of school age.


            The Dioceses of Chester and Liverpool were therefore entitled to nominate representatives to sit on the Children and Young People’s Policy and Performance Board.  At present these positions were vacant, however one name had been submitted, Joyce Dippnall.  It was expected that another name would follow for the same consideration by the Board.


            RESOLVED:  That the Executive Board and Full Council be requested to agree the appointment of two Diocese representatives for Chester and Liverpool, as voting co-optees on the Children and Young People’s Policy and Performance Board for a period of four years, commencing from the date approval is given.


Children & Young People's Plan - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received a report form the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which provided the Executive Board with a brief summary of the information and requirements as contained in the Children and Young People’s Plan Guidance and present Halton’s Children and Young People Plan (CYPP).


            In February 2009 DCSF published guidance to assist areas in compiling the CYPP.  The report stated that the Plan must be a document of strategic intent, which sets the context of children and young people living their lives within safe, prosperous communities where parents were enabled to work.  Therefore, establishing effective links between CYPP and the Sustainable Communities Strategy had been a key requirement for this plan.   The guidance was concise but expects each plan to provide a number of key elements and statements.  In addition the plan must address how local areas would improve the outcomes for children and young people with specific reference to children and young people, there were also a number of additional requirements that needed explanation within each plan.  The required elements for local plans fundamentally asked a range of key questions which were detailed in the report.



It is a statutory requirement that Halton Borough Council produces and publishes a Children and Young People’s Plan.






June 2009.



            RESOLVED:  That


1)     The information contained in the report be noted; and


2)     The Executive Board endorsed the CYPP to be approved by Full Council.

          (Cllr Nelson declared a personal interest in the following item as he is the Chair of Governors for the Grange Junior School).


(Cllr Swain declared a personal interest in the following item as he is on the Board of Governors for Simms Cross and Weston C P Schools).


Primary Special Education Needs Review pdf icon PDF 50 KB


            The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, Children and Young People on the Primary Special Education Needs Review in Halton.


            The Local Authority had been undertaking a review of Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision within the Borough.  The reasons for this review were:


  • The need to be able to describe clearly the nature of SEN provision that was required for Halton pupils and the number of places required both now and in the future.  This was linked both to Building Schools for the Future (BSF) and the Primary Capital Programme (PCP);


  • Acknowledgement that Halton currently retains a significant amount of unit provision, with some of these units carrying a number of unfilled places;


  • Concern that the current range and scope of SEN Unit provision may not be appropriate; and


  • The Local Authority was potentially not fully securing value for money in its SEN provision.


            RESOLVED:  That


1)     Consultation on the revised proposals on the number of places and location of the provision for SEN units within primary mainstream schools commences; and


2)     Schools are asked to come forward with Expressions of Interest.


Establishment of the Daresbury Science and innovation Campus Joint Venture pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, Environment on the establishment of the Daresbury Science and innovation Campus Joint Venture.


            The report explained that over the last several years Halton Borough Council had worked with a number of partners to deliver a major international science based campus at Daresbury, building on the presence of the established Laboratory.  To move delivery forward, it had been concluded that this could best be achieved by the establishment of a joint venture company.  This report set out process for the formation of a joint venture company and the implications for the Council.


            An amendment to recommendation 2.1 (ii) of the report was tabled at the meeting and noted as below as (2).


            RESOLVED:  That


1)     The principle of the joint venture as set out in this report be supported;


2)     The Council’s land ownership at Daresbury Firs is included in the joint venture subject to its continuing in its existing use, unless otherwise agreed by this Council;


3)     The Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services be authorised to take any necessary action to establish the joint venture; and


4)     The Strategic Director, Environment, in consultation with the Operational Director, Legal Services be authorised to take such action in relation to the use or disposal of land at  Daresbury Firs as may be necessary to give effect to the Joint venture.


Parish Issues - Halebank and Sandymoor Parish Councils pdf icon PDF 23 KB


            The Board received a report from the Chief Executive which asked them to consider the following requests from Halebank and Sandymoor Parish Councils:


1.       Halebank – to increase the number of Councillors on the Parish Council from five to eight and to move the date of the next election from 2010 to 2012.


2.       Sandymoor – to increase the number of Councillors on the Parish Council from five to eight.


The Local Government and Rating Act 1997 empowers District Councils to vary the number of members of Parish and Town Councils.  Halebank Parish Council had also requested that the Council consider moving the date for the next election to 2012, making it the normal four year cycle for a Parish Council term rather than two.


The Parish Council had advised that when it was established in 2009 there was a natural expectation, amongst electors, that the Council was being elected to fulfil a four year mandate.   The Parish Council believed another election in 2010 was likely to confuse voters and undermine the transparency of the democratic system.  The Council believed that there was a strong argument as to why a newly established Council should, in principle, be able to fulfil a four year mandate.  An election in 2010 would give the Council only one year in which to set its own precept and begin to establish itself within the community.  An election in 2012, would give the Council and its elected members, time to find their feet, develop their roles and establish a record, which could be properly subject to the democratic verdict of local voters.




1)     It be recommended to Council that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 53 of the Local Government and Public involvement in Health Act 2007, the date of the next election for Halebank Parish Council be 3 May 2012; and


2)     It be recommended to Council that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 (2) of the Local Government and Rating Act 1997, the number of Parish Councillors on Halebank and Sandymoor Parish Council be increased to eight with effect from 3 May 2012.




Redesign of Day services for people with Physical and sensory disabilities and older people with additional needs pdf icon PDF 47 KB


            The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, Health and Community which outlined the key issues and development plan for the modernisation and redesign of Day Services for adults and seeks approval to begin formal consultation with stakeholders.


            The Executive Board had recognised, back in July 2004, the need to re-design Day Services in response to the Government’s Agenda, ‘Valuing People, A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century’.


            At that time it was agreed that there was a need for accelerated movement away from traditional building based services and to provide increased opportunities for people with learning disabilities, promoting social inclusion and independence.  The example of the closure of Astmoor as a base for Day Services for adults with learning disabilities had clearly demonstrated the value of community based day services as a more effective and preferable model of service delivery.  Since that date there had been some significant progress.  Astmoor Day Centre was successfully closed as a Day Centre in 2007.  The vast majority of people receiving Day Services with learning disabilities are now happily receiving the service from the community.  New services had been developed and existing community based services strengthened.


            The report continued to characterise the current services provided by the staff based in Bridgewater, namely; Bridgewater Centre, PSD Outreach Team, Community Day Services and Adult Placement Service.


The Strategic Director, Health & Community described the Hub and Spoke model in further detail and explained how people would be consulted on the proposals.



To increase opportunities for people with physical and sensory disabilities to access mainstream services, promoting social inclusion and independence.



The only other option is to maintain this service as it is currently delivered.



March 2010.



            RESOLVED:  That


1)     Approval is given to the following as a basis for consultation with service users, families, carers and staff of Bridgewater commencing in July 2009, on the following proposals:


i)                    To de-commission Bridgewater as a base for the delivery of Day Services for Adults with Physical and Sensory Disability.


ii)                  To continue the development of a “hub and spoke” model of dedicated local resources.


2)     The Strategic Director for Health and Community, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Health and Community, be authorised to consider feedback in response to the consultation, to consider this with other information and return to the Board with recommendations.





MINUTES ISSUED: 15 June 2009

CALL IN:  22 June 2009

Any matter decided by the Executive Board may be called in no later than 22 June 2009.