Venue: The Board Room - Municipal Building, Widnes. View directions
Contact: Angela Scott on 0151 471 7529 or Email:
No. | Item |
MINUTES Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 October were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Resources Portfolio |
2011/12 Half Year Spending PDF 153 KB Minutes: The Board received a report of the Operational Director, Finance which reported on the 2011/12 Half Year Spending as at 30 September 2011. A summary of spending against the revenue budget up to 30 September 2011 was attached to the report at Appendix 1. This provided individual statements for each department. The Board was advised that in overall terms, the revenue expenditure was above the budget profile, although this was only a guide to eventual spending. The Board was reminded that, at its meeting on 22 September 2011, an Action Plan was approved which aimed to restrict spending by year end within its bottom-line operational budget. It was noted that the required actions had been put in place and would continue to be applied during the remainder of the year. The report contained a number of budget proposals for 2012/13. Members noted that a number of these proposals could be implemented immediately, to achieve a part-year saving for 2011/12, to assist in keeping the overall spending in line with budget. Since the report was written, three figures had been amended and these were reported as follows:
The report also outlined details of a revision to the capital spending programme and monitoring of the Council’s balance sheet. RESOLVED: That 1) all
spending continues to be limited to the absolutely essential; 2) Directorates
continue to closely control spending on agency staff and additional hours (including
overtime) so that spending in these areas reduces in each succeeding quarter; 3) Strategic
Directors ensure overall spending at year-end is within their total operational
budget; 4) Council
be recommended to approve the revised capital programme as set out in Appendix
2; and 5) Council
be recommended to approve implementation of the 2012/13 budget proposals listed
in paragraph 3.13 of the report, subject to the inclusion of the amended
figures reported. |
Children Young People and Families Portfolio |
(N.B. The following Councillors declared a personal interest in the
following item of business: Councillors Swain and D Cargill as Governors of |
Basic Need Capital Allocation 2011-12 - KEY DECISION PDF 29 KB Minutes: The Board
considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and The Board
was reminded that in December 2010, the Government had announced the schools
capital grant allocations for 2011/12, which included an allocation of
£1,689,618 for Basic Need. In July 2011, the Board had approved the development
of capital projects to address basic need at It was noted that the funding had been allocated in recognition of the significant pressures faced by local authorities in the provision of additional school places, particularly in the primary sector. The additional pressure on primary places was due to rising birth rates and changed migration patterns. The report summarised the current position for each of the schools listed in terms of building projects, together with indicative costs. The work proposed would allow the Council to continue to meet its requirement to enhance the learning environment in schools and provide sufficient accommodation for increased pupil numbers. RESOLVED: That 1) the proposals to be funded from the Basic Need Capital allocation be approved; and 2) Council be recommended to approve the submission of the projects. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board
considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Members were
advised that in April 2009, Halton and Warrington Borough Councils agreed to a
Memorandum of Understanding to jointly procure a LEP. Following changes to the
Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, The Board was reminded that the Halton BSF had established a public private partnership to deliver two sample schools and any other capital schemes. The partnership was a jointly owned company in which the Council had a 10% share and would benefit from any other capital project procured through the LEP, as future capital projects would deliver an income stream for shareholders. It was noted that use of the LEP to deliver Warrington Capital Projects alongside Halton schemes, would improve the viability of the LEP and have the added benefit of establishing it as a regional procurement vehicle.
Reason for Decision The wish to take advantage of the gains to be achieved by the collaboration, and to take advantage of the substantial opportunity which presented itself. Alternative Options considered and Rejected Consideration had been given to not supporting collaboration
with Implementation Date Agreement was needed to proceed by 11 November 2011. RESOLVED: That 1) the actions taken to date in respect of the agreement for Warrington Borough Council to use the Halton Local Education Partnership to procure future capital schemes be endorsed; 2) the proposal to enter into collaborative arrangements with Warrington Borough Council for the purposes of allowing them to use Halton Local Education Partnership for the provision of future capital schemes be agreed; 3) the arrangements in (b) above, be subject to the agreement of a deed of assignment of the Strategic Partnering Agreement which is an agreement between Halton Transformational Partnership and Halton Borough Council, be agreed; and 4) it be ensured that the deed of assignment be in such detailed drafting as may be agreed by the Operational Director, Legal and Democratic Services, but the form of such Memorandum, as set out in the report, be approved.
press and public should be excluded from the meeting of the Board during
consideration of the following item of business in accordance with Sub-Section
4 of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 because it was likely that,
in view of the nature of the business to be considered, exempt information
would be disclosed, being information defined in Section 100 (1) and paragraph
3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972; and (2) whether
the disclosure of information was in the public interest, whether any relevant
exemptions were applicable and whether, when applying the public interest test
and exemptions, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed
that in disclosing the information. RESOLVED: That as, in
all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the
exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, members
of the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of
the following items of business in accordance with Sub-Section 4 of Section
100A of the Local Government Act 1972 because it is likely that, in view of the
nature of the business, exempt information will be disclosed, being information
defined in Section 100 (1) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local
Government Act 1972. |
(N.B. Councillor Harris
declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business as
he provides advice on a voluntary basis to the Scouting Movement in the North West,
and left the room during consideration of the item) |
Positive Youth Provision Tender- KEY DECISION Minutes: The Board
considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and The Board was reminded that since 2009, Halton’s Youth Service had been provided by Action for Children. Further developments in the participation of young people in service design and delivery, such as the new Children’s Shadow Trust Board, local area youth forums and youth cabinet, had taken place. Work had also been undertaken on the development of a community based approach to support the sustainability of future youth provision through the Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS) community funding grant. It was noted that the Local Authority was required to provide a youth provision for 11-19 year olds (and up to 25 year olds for young people with additional needs). As described in Halton’s Children and Young People’s Plan, a comprehensive, effective youth provision would be an important aspect to ensure a real difference could be made to young people across the range of priorities in Halton.
Attached to the report were draft Service Specifications for the three areas of the Positive Youth Provision for Members’ consideration. Reason For The Decision To agree the redesign of Youth Provision in Halton. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected Maintaining the current provision was considered, however, the reduction in budget and emphasis on positive youth services had necessitated the change. Implementation Date The new service would need to be fully operational by April 2012. RESOLVED: That 1) the report be noted; 2) the proposed re-design from a traditional Youth Service, with provision to include a reduction in age to 10 years, be approved. |
Resources Portfolio |
Accommodation Update Minutes: The Board
considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Members were reminded that the Council’s Office Accommodation Strategy (2007), stated that where possible, staff should be located in Council owned buildings. Since then much progress had been made with a number of proposals resulting in savings within the property portfolio. The report
outlined the current position with a number of properties including The report contained a number of proposals for the future use of a number of the Council’s offices for Members’ consideration. RESOLVED:
That the Strategic Director, Children and |
Physical Environment Portfolio |
Land disposal for leisure and commercial development Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources on land disposal for leisure and commercial development. The Board
was advised that the site referred to was located within the Widnes Waterfront
programme area, situated between Widnes Town Centre and the waterfront
environment. The area had already seen significant improvements to its
appearance and property on offer, through the new B & Q warehouse, the
trade counter units, Turnstone and The Council had advertised the development opportunity on the open market. Following a period of advertising, three formal tenders were received and submissions were assessed. The report provided details of the tenders received.
That the disposal to Mossbank Developments LLP, a
special purchase vehicle and part of the Patrick Group, of the c. 10 acres of
land on the terms outlined in Appendix 2 of the report, subject to planning
permission, be approved. |
November 2011 CALL-IN: 14 November
2011 Any matter decided by
the Executive Board may be called in no later than 5.00pm on 14 November 2011 |