Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Thursday, 16th October, 2014 2.00 p.m.

Venue: The Boardroom, Municipal Building

Contact: Angela Scott on 0151 511 8670 or Email: 

No. Item




The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2014 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.

Children Young People and Families Portfolio


Youth Provision Tender - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 33 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, on the proposed restructure and tender for Youth Provision within the Borough.


          The Board was advised that since April 2012, Halton’s youth provision had been delivered through two separate contracts, both of which would end on 31 March 2015. It was reported that the current strategy of delivering youth provision in targeted hotspot areas for risk taking behaviour would be maintained.


 However, the Board noted that, in order to provide a more flexible and efficient service, it was proposed to combine both the universal and the early intervention and targeted outreach work into a single contract. A service specification would be developed for a single tender, which would involve young people and encourage a collaborative approach by potential providers.


Reason(s) for Decision


To agree to combining the current youth service provision and to go out to tender for services from April 2015.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Maintaining the current provision was considered; however, the need for a more flexible service and the opportunity for efficiencies had necessitated the change.


Implementation Date


The new service would need to be fully operational by April 2015.




1)    combining the universal and targeted provision for young people into one contract be approved; and


2)    approval of the specification for the contract for youth provision be delegated to the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Children, Young People and Families.

Health and Wellbeing Portfolio


Choice, Control, Inclusion - Commissioning Strategy for Adults of Working Age living with physical disability in Halton 2014-2019 - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents:


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities,  which sought approval for the adoption and implementation of the Choice, Control, Inclusion Commissioning Strategy (the Strategy), for Adults of Working Age living with physical disability.


          The Board was advised that the Strategy took an integrated approach to improving the health and wellbeing of disabled adults aged 18-64 in the Borough. It brought together the commissioning intentions of Public Health, the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Adult Social Care, with a holistic approach to strengthen informal support through effective prevention and early intervention.


          It was reported that the Strategy had been considered by the Health Policy and Performance Board at its meeting in September 2014. Five priorities, as detailed within the report, had been developed with disabled people. It was noted that Halton’s Better Care Board would oversee progress in implementing the Strategy, and was accountable to the Council’s Executive Board and the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group’s Governing Body.


Reason(s) for Decision


Choice, Control, Inclusion was the integrated health and social care commissioning strategy for physical disability 2014-2019. Developed in partnership with NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group the Strategy responded to future demand and supported delivery of the priorities of the Council, CCG, Halton’s Health and Wellbeing Board and the Community Plan.

The Strategy offered a local response to national requirements to integrate Health and Social Care through the Better Care Fund plan and national policy set out in Fulfilling Potential: Making it Happen.

Alternative Options Considered And Rejected

Halton Borough Council and NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group could have produced individual strategy documents. This would have reinforced unacceptable silo working rather than a whole system approach. The Strategy supported national policy for health and social care to adopt an integrated approach.

Implementation Date

Implementation was ongoing for the lifetime of the strategy to 2019.


RESOLVED: That the Choice, Control, Inclusion – Commissioning Strategy for Adults of Working Age living with physical disability in Halton 2014-19, and supporting evidence paper, be endorsed.




SeeHear - Commissioning Strategy for those living with sensory impairment in Halton 2014-2019 - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, which sought approval for the adoption and implementation of the SeeHear Commissioning Strategy for those living with sensory impairment in Halton.


          The Board was advised that the SeeHear Strategy was Halton’s first stand-alone commissioning strategy that focused only on sight and hearing impairment for adults and older people. It was reported that its integrated approach would improve the quality of life for Halton residents living with sensory impairment and brought together the commissioning intentions of Public Health, the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Adult Social Care.


          It was noted that the strategic priorities set out in the SeeHear Strategy had been informed by feedback at public engagement events and open consultation with the public and key stakeholders. It was further noted that the Strategy had been considered by the Health Policy and Performance Board at its meeting in September 2014.


The Board was advised that Halton’s Better Care Board would oversee progress in implementing the Strategy, and was accountable to the Council’s Executive Board and the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group’s Governing Body.


Reason(s) for Decision


SeeHear was the integrated health and social care commissioning strategy for sensory impairment 2014-2019. Developed in partnership with NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group, the Strategy responded to future demand and supported delivery of the priorities of the Council, CCG, Halton’s Health and Wellbeing Board and the Community Plan.

The strategy offered a local response to national requirements to integrate Health and Social Care through the Better Care Fund plan and national policy set out in Fulfilling Potential: Making it Happen and UK Vision Strategy.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Halton Borough Council and NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group could have produced individual strategy documents. This would have reinforced unacceptable silo working rather than a whole system approach. The Strategy supported national policy for health and social care to adopt an integrated approach.

Implementation Date


Implementation was ongoing for the lifetime of the Strategy to 2019.


          RESOLVED: That the SeeHear Commissioning Strategy for those living with sensory impairment in Halton 2014-19, be endorsed.



Community Day Services pdf icon PDF 51 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, on proposals to expand day services for adults with learning disabilities.


The Board was advised that currently, Community Day Services provided 333 work experience placements per week across a range of small ‘businesses’, which were offered predominately to people with learning disabilities. It was reported that the way these businesses had developed had transformed the way day care was delivered, focusing on providing people with work skills.


          In order to develop and expand the number of work experience places for people with disabilities, Day Services needed to increase the number of businesses it operated. Community Day Services currently operated the Shopmobility services in the Borough, with the Widnes service located in Widnes Market. It was noted that this provided 18 work experience places per week. There was potential to expand the range of services by relocating in Widnes to a shop unit in Simms Cross with a proposal to work in partnership with Riverside College to extend student training. Details of the proposals, the rental costs associated and the net costs to the Council were set out in the report for Members’ information. At the meeting, it was reported that Riverside College had confirmed that they would provide 12 work experience places per week for students with disabilities attending the college programme.


It was noted that the proposals for the shop outlet would provide an outlet for the community to use internet facilities and provide a further high street outlet for products made by the Service, such as beer, ice cream, crafts and garden produce.


          RESOLVED: That the proposals outlined in the report be approved.

Physical Environment Portfolio


Grangeway Court Homelessness Service pdf icon PDF 24 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, which sought approval for the waiver of Procurement Standing Orders to extend the housing support contract at Grangeway Court.


The Board was advised that Your Housing Group (YHG) had successfully delivered housing management and support services at Grangeway Court since October 2008. It was noted that the original five year contracts had been extended to facilitate planned refurbishment works which had been identified as necessary by a Homeless Services Scrutiny Review.


It was reported that Officers had been working with YHG to develop a service model sustainable at current levels of demand. A further report would be prepared for consideration, but in the meantime, it was necessary to extend the existing contractual arrangements with YHG, who had indicated a willingness to continue the service on the current terms and conditions, provided that the Council agreed to underwrite 70% of any losses arising due to loss of rental income.




1)    acting in accordance with Procurement Standing Order 1.8.3 (a), Executive Board agrees to waive Procurement Standing Orders 4.1 in order to extend the contracts with Your Housing Group for housing management and housing support services at Grangeway Court, up to March 2015; and


2)    a further report be presented to the Board to agree proposals for a revised service model at Grangeway Court.


Procurement of Floating Support Services pdf icon PDF 24 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, which sought approval for the invitation of tenders to provide floating housing support services.


The Board was advised that following a procurement exercise in 2011, the current contract for floating housing support services provided by Plus Dane, would expire on 31 March 2015. It was noted that the current contract was split into four services, as set out in the report.


The Board noted that there was evidence that demand for floating support services produced positive outcomes, including the prevention of homelessness for vulnerable people in Halton. It was proposed that the tender be offered in two lots; the Mental Health service would be offered as a separate lot due to the specialist nature of that service, with the other three elements grouped together as the second lot.




1)    the commencement of a procurement exercise for floating housing support services be approved; and


2)    a further report be received on the outcomes of the tenders.

(N.B. Councillors Polhill and Wharton left the room prior to the consideration of the following item of business as they were Chair and Deputy Chair respectively of the Mersey Gateway Crossings Board; David Parr, Chief Executive, also left the room prior to the consideration of the following item of business as he stated that he may have a potential conflict of interest).

Councillor Dave Cargill in the Chair

Transportation Portfolio


Mersey Gateway Crossings Board (MGCB) - Interim Chief Executive pdf icon PDF 27 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which sought authority for the Chief Executive to undertake the role of Interim Chief Executive of the Mersey Gateway Crossings Board (MGCB) for a period of two years.


The Board was advised that the Council’s Chief Executive had lead the Mersey Gateway Project as the Senior Responsible Officer over the past ten years, supported by the former Project Director, Mr Steve Nicholson and a multi-disciplinary team.


It was reported that the role of Interim Chief Executive for MGCB was critical to the delivery of the project in providing the appropriate leadership and direction. The role was envisaged as strategic rather than operational, involving attendance at MGCB Board and Management Team meetings, meetings with Merseylink, strategic project development and liaison with Government.


          RESOLVED: That


1)    authority be given for the Council’s Chief Executive to undertake the role of Interim Chief Executive of the Mersey Gateway Crossings Board (MGCB) for a period of two years; and


2)    the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, be authorised to conclude the details of the arrangements and agreement between the Council and the MGCB.

MINUTES ISSUED: 21 October 2014


CALL-IN: 28 October 2014


Any matter decided by the Executive Board may be called in no later than 5.00pm on 28 October 2014