Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Thursday, 29th March, 2007 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Lynn Cairns on 0151 471 7529 or e-mail 

No. Item




The Minutes of the meeting held on 15th March 2007 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.

Corporate Services Portfolio


Annual Audit and Inspection Letter pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy regarding the Annual Audit and Inspection letter prepared by the Council’s Audit Commission Relationship Manager and the District Auditor, Julian Farmer.


The letter provided an overall summary of the Audit Commission’s assessment of the Council, drawing on the findings and conclusions from the Audit of the Council and inspections that had been undertaken in the last year. It also drew from wider analysis of the Council’s performance and its improvement over the last year as measured through the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) Framework.


Mr. Farmer attended the meeting and addressed the Board on the overall summary of the Audit Commission’s assessment of the Council, outlining actions considered necessary to be taken by the Council if it was to maintain its ‘Four Star’ rating. In particular, Mr. Farmer commented on the public’s satisfaction in the performance of the Council, which had been shown to be increasing.


Members commented on the excellent report stating that this was a credit to everyone at the Council, but in particular the Operational Director – Financial Services and his team.


In addition, comments were made about the following issues:


·               difficulties in partnership and multi-agency working where it was not always possible to influence partners’ actions to the same extent as could be done internally;

·               the Council had now reached Level 2 in the Equality Standards; and

·               the Council had recently taken measures in respect of unauthorised absences and permanent exclusions which had already borne fruit.


The Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy confirmed that the actions required in the letter would be cross-checked against the Authority’s Improvement Plans to ensure these points were being addressed.


RESOLVED: That the Annual Letter be received.


Gambling Act 2005 - Delegation pdf icon PDF 44 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy outlining a recommendation that authority should be delegated to the Regulatory Committee to set fees under Section 212 of the Gambling Act 2005.


It was advised that, on 22nd January 2007, the Regulatory Committee had received a report on the Gambling Act 2005 which dealt with matters relating to powers and duties. The report had detailed the matters which the legislation reserved exclusively, either for full Council or for the Regulatory Committee. Section 212 of the Gambling Act 2005 enabled Councils to set fee levels in limited circumstances. This function had to be exercised by full Council unless the Council delegated the powers to the Regulatory Committee in accordance with Section 154 of the Gambling Act 2005.


The Regulatory Committee had therefore resolved that the Executive Board be requested to recommend this amendment to full Council.


RESOLVED: That the Council be recommended to delegate authority to the Regulatory Committee its power to set fees under Section 212 Gambling Act 2005 in accordance with Section 154 Gambling Act 2005.


Consultation on the Future Post Office Network pdf icon PDF 86 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy regarding a consultation document that had been issued by the Department of Trade and Industry on the future of the Post Office Network, and outlining the response of the Chief Executive to that consultation document.


It was noted that the Chief Executive had highlighted two particular concerns from Halton’s perspective:


(1)       the proposal to change the walking distance criteria for post offices in deprived urban areas from half a mile to one mile; and


(2)       the proposal to provide support for outreach services in “small remote communities”.


The Chief Executive’s letter outlined the importance of the Post Office to community life in areas like Halton and the potential impact of any reductions in service that may take place.




(1)       the action of the Chief Executive be endorsed; and


(2)       further reports be brought to the Executive Board as and when more detailed proposals are produced by the Department for Trade and Industry.

Children and Young People Portfolio


School Admission Arrangements 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Acting Strategic Director – Children and Young People which had been prepared in accordance with relevant statutory framework to determine Halton Local Authority’s (LA’s) School Admissions Policy for LA Maintained Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, and Co-ordinated Admission Schemes, for all primary and secondary schools for September 2008 following statutory consultation.


It was noted that Halton LA had issued a statutorily required consultation paper on the proposed admission arrangements and co-ordinated admission schemes in January 2007 proposing no changes to the current over-subscription criteria for admission to LA Maintained Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools. These criteria followed Department for Education and Schools (DfES) recommendations contained within the revised School Admissions Code of Practice. However, the revised School Admissions Code of Practice, which came into force on 28th February 2007, precluded the use of the first preference first system, which had previously been operated in Halton. Steps would therefore be taken in future years to address this and the process was outlined for information.


The Board was advised that the Halton Admissions Forum had agreed targets of 96% (for primary) and 94% (for secondary) first preferences met. Members noted that actual preferences met were 92% for primary and 95% for secondary. A target of 5% had also been set by the (then) Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in respect of on-line applications for secondary schools; 6.5% had been achieved.




(1)       the Admissions Policy and Co-ordinated Schemes for primary and secondary admissions for the 2008/09 academic year be approved; and


(2)       the National and Local Performance Indicator targets set/achieved for meeting first preference applications and on-line applications be noted.

Community Portfolio


Youth Matters/Connexions Transition (KEY DECISION) pdf icon PDF 90 KB


The Board considered a report of the Acting Strategic Director – Children and Young People providing information on developments regarding youth matters and Connexions transition.


It was noted that the publication of the Green Paper “Youth Matters” had presented a number of proposals building upon the Every Child Matters Agenda and taking into account the 14 – 19 Education in Schools White Paper proposals. Youth Matters proposed the merger of a range of existing Government funding streams which were targeted at young people. These would be devolved to local authorities, working through Children’s Trusts, to ensure a more holistic approach to meeting the needs of young people at a local level. The subsequent Next Steps document cemented the proposals following consultation and identified four key themes as priorities for delivering services to young people:


(1)   Empowering Young People – things to do and places to go;


(2)   Young People as Citizens – making a contribution;


(3)   Supporting Choices – information, advice and guidance; and


(4)   All Young People Achieving – reforming targeted support.


Within the key themes, specific actions were set down and these were outlined for the Board’s consideration.


The Education and Inspections Act 2006 consolidated these requirements placing new statutory duties upon local authorities to ensure that young people had access to a wide range of positive activities which empowered them to shape the services they received. Specific guidance and information that had recently been published was outlined for the Board’s information.


In addition Members were advised that Connexions was an information, advice and guidance organisation, which predominantly delivered services to 13-19 year olds. Connexions in Halton was delivered as part of Greater Merseyside Connexions Partnership (GMCP) made up of the Boroughs of Halton, Liverpool, Wirral, St. Helens, Sefton and Knowsley. In order to ensure effective transition, a GMCP Transition Group had been established with representatives at Chief Executive or Director of Children’s Services level from all six Boroughs. The group had published an interim report in January 2007, which set down a framework for development.


A Multi-Agency Youth Matters Steering Group had been established and specific terms of reference set. The Group would answer directly to the Universal Task Group within the Children’s Alliance Board Framework. At the last Youth Matters Steering Group, a proposal for a smaller, time limited Integrated Youth Support (IYS) Working Group to be established had been endorsed. The main aim of this team was to plan, co-ordinate and deliver a multi-agency changed plan. A multi-agency half day event had already taken place to launch the transition process and Connexions Transition Funding had secured the half-time secondment of the Connexions Area Manager to the Local Authority to add capacity to develop the agenda.


The next step actions to be taken were outlined for the Board.


Members considered a number of issues as follows:


·               The Halton Youth Bank was proving to be successful with 44 applications received so far and 12 being approved. It was noted that it had taken some time to get  ...  view the full minutes text for item 101.


Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy (KEY DECISION) pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community presenting a new Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy for Halton.


It was noted that Anti-Social Behaviour, or its perception, had been a concern that had received wide-ranging publicity both nationally and locally. With this in mind, it was felt timely to review Halton’s approach to anti-social behaviour and to develop a revised strategy and action plan to address these concerns.


The Strategy had a three pronged approach: prevent and deter; protect and punish; and rehabilitate. The aim of each of these approaches was outlined for the Board’s information.


Action Plans had been developed for each of the areas to ensure that delivery and targets were achieved and a performance monitoring framework was outlined. Members were advised that the strategy had been developed with partners, stakeholders and elected Members via the topic group of the Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board. In addition, a consultation event had taken place in February with approximately 170 attendees, including young people and members of the community, where people could comment and ask questions in relation to the document.


The Board considered a number of issues including:


·               the practicalities of delivering the contents of the strategy;

·               the fact that there was full commitment from all of the registered social landlords to this strategy;

·               the number of referrals in respect of drugs had increased, which was a positive sign of the impact that Ashley House was having, in particular with regard to the number of self-referrals;

·               there was a need to provide a list of options to the Police in order that they could signpost young people to those activities when they were moving groups on;

·               the fact that anti-social behaviour was not just about young people; and

·               the positive impact the development of the waterfront could have in 12 months’ time, as it would help to provide young people with more alternatives as to how they could spend their time.


Reason for decision


The Strategy was in response to an issue that was high on the public agenda, as voiced through community engagement.


Alternative Options considered and rejected


All options were considered in producing the final strategy.


Implementation Date


If endorsed, the Strategy would be launched in April 2007.


RESOLVED: That “Promoting Positive Behaviour” – Halton’s Anti Social Behaviour Strategy – be endorsed.


Private Sector Housing Renewal Strategy pdf icon PDF 291 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community which sought approval to the proposed changes to the Private Sector Housing Renewal Strategy, both to reflect recent legislative change and to amend the different forms of financial assistance provided to clients.


It was noted that Halton had introduced its Private Sector Housing Renewal Strategy in 2003 and a number of factors now made it necessary to revise this Strategy; these factors were outlined for the Board’s consideration.


An appendix was attached to the report summarising the principle changes being recommended in terms of the range of financial assistance to be offered to individuals and the rationale for them. Also appended was the full strategy, which included a new enforcement policy, HMO Licencing Policy, detailed eligibility criteria/conditions for financial assistance, and a policy for dealing with applications to reduce or waive requirements to repay assistance.


The Board was advised that a consultation exercise had been undertaken through the press, the Council’s website, the Landlords Forum, and directly with other local authority and stakeholder organisations: no responses had been received.


RESOLVED: That the Strategy be approved for implementation as soon as is practicable.


Liverpool City Region Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community outlining the development and draft findings of the Housing Strategy for the Liverpool City Region. It was noted that this Strategy was a major piece of work which had been funded by Government Office North West but commissioned by the Merseyside Housing Forum - it would provide an investment framework for future housing development across the City Region and it was a key element of the Sustainable Communities workstream of the Liverpool City Region Development Programme in response to the Northern Way Challenge.


The findings of work undertaken so far were outlined for the Board’s consideration including information on:


·               Housing Market Assessment;

·               Vulnerable Housing Markets; and

·               BME/Gypsy and Traveller households.


The draft strategy identified seven strategic enablers as the building blocks to meet the vision to create sustainable communities. The “Strategic Enablers”, and the appropriate policy responses required to deliver them, were also summarised for the Board’s information.


It was noted that the Liverpool City Region Housing Strategy undoubtedly had a new heartlands/Liverpool focus. Informal discussions with colleagues in St. Helens and Knowsley had revealed concerns about the degree of emphasis based on the pathfinder area. Nevertheless, the findings and recommendations of the strategy may present opportunities to increase investment in some of Halton’s poorest neighbourhoods. The Strategy also supported continued investment in Castlefields through the National Affordable Housing Programme as the area was identified as one of the top 15% Vulnerable Housing Markets.


There was a requirement to complete and pay for the commission by the end of March and this had led to challenging turnaround times for consultation and feedback. It was expected that the current draft of the Strategy would be signed off by Members of the Merseyside Housing Forum at its meeting on 2nd April 2007 and endorsement of the Strategy would be sought at the Chief Executives and Leaders Group at the end of April. The authors of the Strategy had recognised that, given the deadline for completing the Commission, it was unlikely that agreement could be reached between partners on the relative merits of each vulnerable area. Therefore, the report restricted itself to suggesting a broad framework for partners to use to determine priority areas for investment.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted and the thrust of the comments identified in Section 6 – Conclusions – be supported.

Environment, Leisure and Sport Portfolio


Olympics 2012 pdf icon PDF 54 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community which sought to establish an “Olympic Fund” to support sports persons in the Borough to aspire to high level performance.


It was noted that London was to stage the Olympic Games in 2012 and there was a strong desire to maximise the effect of the games across the country. Halton had registered the Stadium and the St. Peter and Paul/Wade Deacon Site as facilities for training camps for visiting countries. Halton was also part of a pan- Merseyside registration and was working with Cheshire on a range of common issues.


There had been strong support in Halton to promote young talent and there were a significant number of young people who could properly aspire to representing their country at the Olympic and Para Olympic. There were also opportunities for volunteers to get involved.


It was therefore proposed to set up an Olympic Fund which could be used in a variety of ways, for example to bring coaches and practice partners into the Borough to improve sports people; to bring role models into the Borough to inspire young people to participate in sport; to support training opportunities; or to provide kit.


The Fund would be set up using existing budgets that could roll forward each year but could also be used to attract further external/match funding and sponsorship. Initially, using monies from the enhanced sporting opportunities budget, and contributions from the Sports Partnership, a fund of £50,000 could be achieved. Clear criteria would be established about the management of the fund and award of grants.




(1)       an Olympic Fund be established within existing resources to support young people in the Borough to get involved in the Olympic Games and Para-Olympic Games;


(2)       details of the Fund be agreed with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Leisure and Sport and the Strategic Director for Health and Community; and


(3)       further reports be presented to the Board outlining progress.


Waste Management pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Environment providing an update on the progress made with the developing partnership arrangements for the Merseyside Authorities, the procurement of Waste Treatment Services and facilities, and the financial consequences as a result.


A Waste Management Strategy update was provided together with information about pooled targets, the Waste Action Plan, the Contract Procurement Strategy, the Financial Analysis Report, an Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA) and a Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA) progress update.


            In addition, amended information was tabled in respect of 4.12 and Appendix 2 of the report. These changes had been made to reflect implications of the recently announced National Budget.


The Board considered a variety of issues including the fact that there was to be an all Member Seminar in May, and implications in respect of kerbside collections. It was noted that one of the proposals was to expand kerbside collections, thereby increasing the amount of recycling and reducing landfill costs, with weekly collections alternating between a blue bin collection (containing plastic, paper, cardboard, cans, and textiles) and a black bin (residual waste) collection.


The Board noted the need to consider relevant implications of this proposal and it was agreed that the Members’ Seminar event would be the appropriate place to discuss this issue in more detail.




(1)       the progress being made with the procurement of waste treatment services and facilities and the developing partnership arrangements with the Merseyside Authorities be noted; and


(2)       the progress towards the adoption of Halton’s Waste Action Plan be noted and the Contract Procurement Strategy with the Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority be approved.

European Affairs Portfolio


Corporate Risk Register pdf icon PDF 92 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy requesting that the Board review the Corporate Risk Register in line with the Council’s Strategic Risk Management Framework.


It was advised that there was no proposal to add any new risks to the register at the present time.


RESOLVED: That the revised Corporate Risk Register, attached as Appendix A to the report, be approved.

Neighbourhood Management and Development Portfolio


Partnerships pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy outlining the recommendations of the Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board (PPB) meeting of 9th January 2007 in relation to partnerships.


The Corporate Services PPB had noted that it was necessary to ensure that:


·               partnership work was properly directed and overseen by the Council;

·               resources invested in partnership working were properly managed;

·               arrangements were in place to ensure propriety and probity in partnership working; and

·               partnership working delivered value for money in terms of outcomes.


It was advised that a register had been established, which was still in its formative stages but would develop to be a more comprehensive record of partnership working over time.


Following consideration of this report, the Corporate Services PPB had made a number of recommendations to the Executive Board, which the Board now duly considered.


In moving the recommendations, the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Management and Development thanked the Corporate Services PPB for its work in this area.




(1)       the definition of Partnership be agreed as follows:


“Partnership  - a joint working arrangement where the partners:


·               are otherwise independent bodies;

·               agree to co-operate to achieve a common goal; and

·               and to achieve it, create an organisational structure or process, an agreed programme, and share information, risks and rewards”;


(2)       a register of all partnerships of which the Council is a member be created and kept by the Council Solicitor including the information as outlined in the report;


(3)       all new partnerships created or joined by the Council be notified to the Council Solicitor by the officer with responsibility for the partnership;


(4)       the governance of partnership checklist be formally endorsed;


(5)       the issues set out in the checklist be properly considered and addressed before a decision is taken to form or enter into a new partnership;


(6)       annual progress reports be presented by each partnership in the register to the appropriate PPB;


(7)       the Corporate Services PPB review the Partnership Register and Partnership arrangements on an annual basis to make sure that they are working effectively; and


(8)       as the process with regards to partnerships is developed, additional reports be brought to the Corporate Services PPB.

Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal Portfolio


Borough of Halton (Windmill Centre, Widnes) Compulsory Purchase Order 2007 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Chief Executive requesting authorisation to make the Borough of Halton (Windmill Centre, Widnes) Compulsory Purchase Order 2007 under Section 226 (1)(A) of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990, Section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.


It was advised that the purpose of the Compulsory Purchase Order (“The Order”) was to facilitate land acquisition and acquisition of land and new rights in land (together referred to as “the Order Land”) for redevelopment of the Windmill Centre for the reasons set out in detail in the Appendix to the report.


The Appendix gave a redevelopment background, information in respect of redevelopment of the site, the planning status and outlined justification for making a Compulsory Purchase Order. It was noted that the proposed scheme was in accordance with national planning policy for town centres and accorded with the Regional Planning Guidance for the North West.


In addition, the emerging Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West identified Widnes as a regional town/city where it encouraged retail investments that would assist in regeneration and economic development.


RESOLVED: That subject to:


(a)       the prior completion of an appropriate indemnity agreement with the Developer; and


(b)               the satisfactory grant of planning permission for redevelopment of the Order Land (as and for the purposes herein detailed in this report);


the following be resolved:


(i)         to make the Borough of Halton (Windmill Centre Widnes) Compulsory Purchase Order 2007 ("the Order") under Section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 for the acquisition of all interests in the Order Land and the acquisition of new rights within the Order Land;


(ii)        the Order Land shall (subject as provided otherwise in this resolution) comprise the areas shown coloured pink and blue respectively on the plan attached for the purpose of redevelopment of the Windmill Centre comprising of demolition of existing buildings, construction of new retail units together with associated provision for access, servicing, parking and landscaping; and


(iii)            delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director - Environment (whether acting personally or through any other person nominated by him) to:


(a)   take all necessary steps as soon as is reasonably practical to finalise the Order map and schedule (including the exercise of powers of requisition), secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the Order including the publication and service of all notices and the presentation of the Council's case at any Public Inquiry;


(b)   negotiate to acquire and acquire all interests in the Order Land and new rights within the Order Land either by agreement or compulsorily including prior to the making of the Order and where appropriate to agree terms for relocation;


(c)   reduce (but not increase) the area of the Order Land and/or any interests therein should the said negotiations make the inclusion of such land and/or such  ...  view the full minutes text for item 109.

Quality and Performance Portfolio


Capital of Culture pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community providing an update on Halton’s involvement in Liverpool’s Capital of Culture celebrations.


It was noted that, at its meeting of 12th March 2007, the Employment Learning and Skills Policy and Performance Board (PPB) had endorsed Halton’s approach to its involvement in Capital of Culture. The PPB had recommended to the Executive Board that support should be given to a major youth cultural festival being hosted in Halton in 2008, with the cost of the event underwritten by the Council.


A Capital of Culture Working Group had been co-ordinating opportunities for involvement in Liverpool’s Capital of Culture Celebrations and recent progress had been made in putting together a headline programme of activities that was both achievable and deliverable. These were outlined for the Board’s consideration. It was noted that the programme was not exhaustive and other opportunities would arise as 2008 approached.


Most of the activities listed could be delivered within existing budgets. However, the Youth Festival was more difficult as it was envisaged that this would be Halton’s major event for 2008. All Merseyside’s twin towns would be invited to participate in the two-day event which would highlight youth performance and also offer cultural trade opportunities or exchanges of local cultures. Such an event would require a budget akin to the Halton Show and it had been identified that there was a maximum shortfall of £110,000. However, this sum should be significantly reduced through sponsorship or admittance fees, although ultimately this could not be guaranteed.




(1)            Halton’s approach to its involvement in Capital of Culture be approved; and


(2)            approval be given in principle to hosting a major Youth Culture Festival in Halton in 2008 and the cost of such an event be underwritten by the Council subject to further reports to the Executive Board as part of the development of the 2008/9 Council budget process.

MINUTES ISSUED: 13th April 2007

CALL IN: 20th April 2007

Any matter decided by the Executive Board may be called in no later than 20th April 2007