Agenda and minutes

Executive Board Sub Committee - Thursday, 11th January, 2007 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail 

No. Item

planning, transportation, regeneration and renewal portfolio


Approval of publication of Draft Town Centre Strategies for Halton Lea and Runcorn Old Town for Public Consultation


            The Sub-Committee considered a report which sought approval for the publication of the draft Town Centre Strategies for Halton Lea and Runcorn Old Town as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD’s) for the purposes of statutory public consultation. The purpose of the SPD’s was to complement the Halton Unitary Development Plan (UDP), by providing additional guidance for those involved in the planning of new developments within Halton to:


(i)         enable the Town Centres to prosper without adversely affecting the health of any other;


(ii)            safeguard and strengthen the individual role of each town centre as a safe and accessible place to shop, work and enjoy;


(iii)       co-ordinate public and private investment decisions;


(iv)            improve the economic prosperity of the Borough through the creation of employment opportunities; and


(v)        ensure the highest standard of design and architecture within each town centre.


            Consultation which had taken place regarding the SPD and was outlined for consideration.


            In addition, a scoping exercise had been undertaken to determine whether or not a strategic environment assessment (SEA) was required to assess the environmental effect of the SPD. The conclusion was that an SEA was not required.


            The Sub-Committee was also advised that a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) was in the process of being produced and would be consulted upon at the same time as the respective Town Centre Strategies. Both the Halton Lea and Runcorn Town Centre Strategy SPD’s would also be subject to an appropriate assessment screening assessment.


            A further report would be submitted to the Executive Board seeking formal adoption of the Halton Lea and Runcorn Town Centre Strategy Supplementary Planning Documents. However, if comments were received during the public consultation process, which required alterations to be made to one or both of the SPD’s that materially affected the contents of the documents, a further period of public consultation may be required regarding those proposed alterations.


            It was suggested that authority be delegated to the Operational Director Environmental and Regulatory Services to approve any further statutory periods of consultation, on the SPD’s should they be required.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)       the two draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD’s): Halton Lea Town Centre Strategy and Runcorn Old Town Centre Strategy be approved (subject to being amended to reflect this Boards comments in relation to climate change) for the purposes of Statutory Public Consultation;


(2)            authority be delegated to the Operational Director – Environmental and Regulatory Services to determine all matters relating to the method, extent and content of the public consultation;


(3)       the comments received at the partnership consultation stage are noted;


(4)       further editorial and technical amendments that do not materially affect the content of the two SPD’s be determined by the Operational Director Environmental and Regulatory Services in consultation with the Executive Board Member for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal, if necessary before the document is published for public consultation;


(5)            authority be delegated to the Operational Director Environmental and Regulatory Services to approve any further period of statutory public consultation, on the Halton Lea and Runcorn Old  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.


Purchase of CCTV Communications Equipment


            The Sub-Committee considered a report which sought authority to waive Standing Orders to purchase a discreet package of CCTV Communications Equipment.


            It was noted that Technology Solutions Limited of Rawtenstall had won the first contract for installation of the system and had subsequently been invited to attend for a range of extensions to the original CCTV security system as new camera units had been installed in extra locations. The Company had successfully been awarded the work, with one exception. However, even in this case, due to unresolved technical problems they had been brought in to complete the other contractor’s work.


            In addition, Technology Solutions Limited had tendered for and won the term maintenance and repair contract for the Council’s CCTV’s system and they were major contractors to several other authorities in the area.


            It was proposed that given their extensive knowledge of the Borough, acquired by working in the area for many years, and their complete understanding of the existing CCTV security system, it was believed that Technology Solutions Limited were in a unique position to be able to efficiently supply and install this new communications equipment at a cost of £48,494.


            One contractor working on such a technologically advanced system offered substantial advantages, in that should issues arise there could be no dispute over compatibility of equipment or as to whose equipment was causing a problem.


            In addition, it was also noted that should this initiative fail to be implemented, the Council would continue to incur unnecessary costs, due to the need to continue to fund BT line rentals for the cameras. The Contract would provide savings to the Council of £10,000 per annum.


            The Council Solicitor gave his opinion that waive of Standing Orders in this instance was appropriate within the terms of this Council’s Constitution.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)      Standing Order 4.1 be waived to enable the contract for the supply and installation of microwave communications to be awarded to Technology Solutions Limited of Rawtenstall, in the sum of £48,494; and


(2)      The reason for waiver was the combination of the firm’s knowledge of the Councils systems, their expertise with such systems, and the desirability of ensuring compatibility in such systems.

MINUTES ISSUED: 17th January 2007

CALL IN: 23rd January 2007

Any matter decided by the Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 23rd January 2007