Agenda and minutes

Executive Board Sub Committee - Thursday, 6th September, 2007 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2007 having been printed and circulated, were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

quality and performance portfolio


Capital of Culture - youth Festival pdf icon PDF 60 KB


            This item was withdrawn.

corporate services portfolio


treasury management 2006/7 pdf icon PDF 150 KB


            The Sub-Committee considered a report which reviewed activities on Treasury Management for the year 2006/07.


            The Annual Report covered:-


-           the Council’s current Treasury position;

-            performance measurement;

-           the borrowing strategy for 2006/07;

-           the borrowing outturn for 2006/07;

-            compliance with Treasury limits;

-            investments Strategy for 2006/07;

-            investments outturn for 2006/07;

-           debt rescheduling;

-           other issues.


It was noted that during the year the Council had complied with the Treasury limits set out in the Council’s Treasure Policy Statement and Treasure Strategy Statement.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

N.B Councillor Nelson declared a personal and prejudicial interest and left the room during consideration of the item below as a family member is a board member of Halton Hornets ARLFC


Discretionary Non-Domestic Rate Relief pdf icon PDF 65 KB


            Under the provisions of Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, the Authority was allowed to grant Discretionary Rate Relief to organisations who were either a charity or a non-profit making organisation. The Sub-Committee considered a report which set out details of two applications for Discretionary Non Domestic Rate Relief from:


Halton Farnworth Hornets ARLFC;

Halton Haven Hospice.


            RESOLVED: That -


            Under the provisions of Section 47, Local Government Finance Act 1988, Discretionary Rate Relief be granted to the following organisations at the percentage indicated, for the period from 1st April 2007 or the commencement of liability, whichever is the later, to 31st March 2009;


Halton Farnworth Hornets ARLFC            20%

Halton Haven Hospice                                  20%


2007/08 Quarter 1 Spending pdf icon PDF 62 KB


            The Sub-Committee considered a report which summarised the overall spending position against the Council’s Revenue Budget and Capital Programme across all departments up to the first quarter of the year.


            In overall terms, revenue expenditure at the quarter year position was below the budget profile. However, as the profile was only a guide to eventual spending and as yet the 2007 Pay award had not been settled and the Pay and Grading Review was yet to be finalised. It was important that budget managers continued to closely monitor and control spending to ensure that overall spending remains in line with budget by year end. Within the overall position there were some significant variances and details of these were outlined in the report.


            With regard to capital it was reported that spending represented only 14% of the total programme of £36.8m. Although historically capital expenditure was significantly higher in the latter part of the financial year, it was important that project managers kept projects and spending on schedule and in particular to ensure that all external funding was maximised. All capital project managers were currently providing quarterly spending profiles for each scheme, in order that actual spend can be compared to planned spend each quarter during the remainder of the year.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


planning, transportation, regeneration and renewal portfolio


Purchase of CCTV Surveillance Equipment pdf icon PDF 59 KB


            The Council’s main town centre security CCTV system was acquired over ten years ago, with the initial project being tendered in accordance with Standing Orders and won by Technology Solutions Limited of Rawtenstall. Having successfully won the first contract for the installation of the CCTV security system and control room, Technology Solutions Limited had successfully bid to install equipment at extra locations throughout the Borough. In addition, in October 2005 Technology Solutions tendered for and won a term maintenance and repair contract for the CCTV system which would expire at the end of 2010.


            It was also noted that in January 2007 the Executive Board Sub-Committee agreed to waive purchasing standing orders in relation to Technology Solutions Limited being awarded the work to install a wireless communications link from Widnes to the CCTV control room at Runcorn Town Hall in the value of £48,949.


            Technology Solutions Limited were major contractors to several other authorities in the area and over the years the firm have been unstinting in the assistance and advice they have provided without charge in a very specialist, technically advanced and fast evolving area where rival firms tend to come and go regularly.


            It was proposed that, given the extensive knowledge of and commitment to Halton, acquired by working in the area for many years and their complete understanding of the existing CCTV security system, Technology Solutions were in unique position to be able to supply and install new equipment at minimal cost. In addition, should maintenance issues arise, there were advantages of having one contractor working on such a technologically advanced system.


            The report requested that standing orders be waived to allow a total work limit of £125,000 up to the end of 2010 to Technology Solutions Limited.


            It was noted that the Legal Department were satisfied with the reasons for waiving Standing Orders on this occasion.


            RESOLVED: That –


(1)            Financial Standing Orders relating to the supply and installation of CCTV security equipment to a total value of £125,000 be suspended until the end of 2010 and the work be placed with Technology Solutions Limited of Rawtenstall at the discretion of the Operational Director – Highways Transportation and Logistics, though not on a guaranteed basis; and


(2)       The option to use Financial Standing Orders be retained for the supply and installation of CCTV security equipment, to be used at the discretion of the Operational Director (Highways, Transportation and Logistics) as the situation demands

MINUTES ISSUED: 11th September 2007

CALL IN:  17th September 2007

Any matter decided by the Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 17th September 2007