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Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail
No. | Item |
MINUTES Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2010 were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Health and Social Care Portfolio |
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Adult and Community which gave details of proposals to establish a framework contract for the provision of personal care and housing related support for adults with a learning disability or mental health needs. The Board was advised that the Framework would enable a greater dialogue between commissioners and providers about how best to develop the right services for individuals, prior to purchasing social care and support for individuals or groups of individuals. RESOLVED: That (1) the report be approved and the Strategic Director of Adult and Community undertake a tender exercise inviting providers of housing and personal care services for adults with learning disabilities or mental health needs to apply for inclusion on a framework agreement; and (2) following completion of the Framework tender a further report be presented to the Board to give an update on the outcome of the tender and outline the programme for re-tendering current services,
Review of the Fairer Charging for Non-Residential Services Policy 2010-11 PDF 21 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which outlined the revised Fairer Charging for Non-Residential Services Policy for 2010-11. The Board was advised that there
were two major amendments to the policy.
The first was the weekly disregard figure, currently set at Income Support plus
Severe Disability Premium (SDP) for all service users, irrespective of whether
they received SDP or not. The Council
were proposing to change the weekly disregard figure to Income Support plus
25%, in line with Department of Health Guidance. The Board was further advised
that the second amendment was to the percentage charge applied to the service
user’s disposable income. The term
disposable income was the service user’s total income less all applicable
disregarded amounts. It was what the
service user was deemed to have available for charges to be set against. Currently, Halton Borough Council’s charge
was set at 34% of this disposable income.
From 26th April 2010 an increase to 50% and for further
increases to 60% and 70% in April 2011 and April 2012 had been proposed. RESOLVED: That (1)
the contents of the report be noted; (2)
the charges set out in paragraph 3.2 of
the report be approved; and (3)
the Fairer Charging for Non-Residential
Services Policy 2010-11 be approved. |
(NB: Councillors
Harris and Nelson declared a Personal Interest in the following item of
business as Council Representative’s on the |
Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal Portfolio |
Renewal of the Mersey Forest Agreement PDF 26 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of
the Strategic Director, Environment and Economy which advised Members that the
original agreement with The Board was advised that The Board was further advised that in the 19 years since it had been
established, over 3,750 hectares of new habitat had been created in the It was reported that Halton Borough Council had been a partner in the In addition, the Agreement empowered the nine local authorities to
work together to support the work of the RESOLVED: That the existing Mersey Forest Agreement be renewed and the Strategic Director – Environment and Economy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, Environment, Leisure & Sport, be authorised to determine the terms of the new Agreement following the principles outlined in the report. |
New Service Level Agreement with Cheshire Wildlife Trust PDF 33 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment and Economy which sought approval to enter into a three year Service Level Agreement with the Cheshire Wildlife Trust, which would enable the Council to deliver its biodiversity commitments. The Board was advised that the Council currently had a very basic Service Level Agreement with the Cheshire Wildlife Trust through which they gave advice on nature reserve management. Prior to December 2008 they had provided assistance to the Nature Conservation Officer. The current agreement would cost £2,400 per year. The Board was further advised that the Council currently had a Service Level Agreement with ‘Record’ for the provision of biological recording and GIS analysis. The current agreement cost £2,170 per year. In addition, the Council’s Open Space Services had responsibility for nature conservation and biodiversity. The Division did not have a designated Nature Conservation Officer and therefore needed to deliver this element of its responsibility through partnership working. RESOLVED: That, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, Environment, Leisure & Sport, the Council enter into a Service Level Agreement with the Cheshire Wildlife Trust for the provision of Ecological Advice, Biological Recording and advice on Planning matters. |
ISSUED: 7 April CALL IN: 15 April 2010 Any matter decided by the Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 15 April 2010 |