Agenda and minutes

Executive Board Sub Committee - Thursday, 13th January, 2011 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail 

No. Item




          The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th December 2010 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.

Neighbourhood Leisure and Sport Portfolio


Variation of the non-statutory fees and setting of new fees for services offered by Halton Registration Service


          The Board considered a report which sought approval to vary the non-statutory fees and to approve the fees for new services offered by Halton Registration Service. Following discussions with the General Register Office Inspector, who recently conducted a review of the Service, it was suggested that the local authority may wish to review its current services and charges. In determining the proposed fee structure outlined in the report, comparisons have been made with other local authorities both within the North West and other Registration Services that are providing similar services. At the request of the portfolio holder, these proposals would form part of the Services Business Plan.


          The fees would take effect from January 2011 – 31st March 2012 and reviewed each September, taking effect the following April for each financial year. Ceremonies booked before this date would be honoured at the current fees (subject to the usual 3% increase that would be normally applied for ceremonies taking place after 1st April 2011). However, bookings taken after 13th January 2011 would be charged at the new rates.


          RESOLVED: That the variations to the Halton Registration Services and the fees for new services as set out in the appendix in the report be approved.

health and adults portfolio


Award of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocates Contract pdf icon PDF 28 KB


          The Sub Committee received a report of the Strategic Director Adults and Community which sought approval for the award of a contract for the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA). All local authorities have a statutory duty under the Mental Health Act 2007 to provide Independent Mental Capacity Advocates to support decision making on behalf of individuals who lack the mental capacity to make particular decisions for themselves.


          It was noted that a partnership agreement between Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington Local Authorities was entered into two years ago. This agreement had been extended as all four boroughs recognised the cost effectiveness of commissioning jointly. Halton was the lead commissioner on this contract for the next two years with monitoring support offered through each of the other Authorities.


          The Council had undertaken a comprehensive Tender process to ensure value for money, competitiveness, and high quality services being delivered. Expressions of interest were invited and 7 provider organisations expressed an interest and were sent a pre-qualification questionnaire and an invitation to Tender document to complete.


          Consequently, 6 tender packs were submitted and following comprehensive evaluation, five organisations were invited to give presentations (however one withdrew at this stage). Following evaluation Together: Working for Wellbeing scored highest in three of the four published criteria and their overall score was considerably better than any of the other three providers. It was therefore proposed that the contract be awarded to Together: Working for Wellbeing on the basis that this organisation offered value for money in terms of both cost and quality.


          RESOLVED: The contract for IMCA be awarded to the contractor Together: Working for Wellbeing in the sum of £30,968 (Halton contribution for two years).

MINUTES ISSUED:  18th January 2011


CALL IN:  25th January 2011


Any matter decided by the Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 25th January 2011