Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail
No. | Item |
MINUTES Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 9th February 2012 were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Health and Adults Portfolio |
Award of Housing Related Support Contracts PDF 27 KB Minutes: The Sub Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director Communities which advised of the award of a contract for two housing related support services and none award of a third service. Following an open tender process facilitated by the Procurement Team through ‘The Chest’ only 1 bid, from the current provider Halton YMCA, was received for each of the three services. Details of the tendered prices and current annual contract were outlined in the report. It was reported that the Operational Director Commissioning and Complex Care had awarded a contract for the Halton Lodge YMCA and Nightstop Services to Halton YMCA. However during the tender evaluation process it became clear that many of the functions the Y’ Up advice and guidance service provided were a duplication of those provided by other organisations. It was therefore decided not to award this contract and to formally decommission the service from the contract expiry date. RESOLVED: That 1. the award of a contract to Halton YMCA for the provision of housing related support services at the Halton Lodge YMCA Hostel in the annual sum of £408,636 and for the provision of a Nightstop supported lodgings service in the annual sum of £46,250 be noted; and 2. the decision not to award a contract for the provision of housing related support through the Advice and Guidance service (currently delivered by Halton YMCA and known as Y’s Up) be noted. |
(N.B. Councillor
Wharton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of
business as he is Chair of Friends of Hale Park, and left the room during
consideration of the item) |
physical environment portfolio |
Hale Restoration Project – Replacement Childe of Hale Statue PDF 25 KB Minutes: The Sub Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director Communities which sought agreement to a waiver of Standing Orders in order to appoint a preferred artist and foundry to create a new Childe of Hale statue. It was noted that the Council had successfully gained a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant of £643,000 in 2007 for improvements in Hale Park and Hale Village. The majority of the work had been carried out and had cost less than the original budget. It had been agreed with HLF that the money saved from these main works could be spent in the village on related features that support the main aims of the project. The original Childe of Hale statue had to be removed in June 2011 due to decay. In June 2011 the original artist was commissioned for one day to work with local residents to help formulate opinions, ideas and location for the replacement. In addition expressions of interest were sought from a short list of artists and Officers together with Friends of Hale Park and representatives from Hale Parish Council selected Phil Bews the sculptor of the original statue as the most appropriate submission. It was noted that Mr Bews can accommodate public visits to the foundry during the manufacturing process, the proposed foundry was also close enough to visit in one day and he had suggested using the original moulds which would substantially reduce the cost of creating a bronze casting. The budget cost allocated for producing the finished bronze statue, including all artists fees, delivery and installation was in the order of £45,000. Arising from the discussion, it was agreed that information on the copyright in relation to the statue be explored and a breakdown of the cost of £45,000 be circulated to Members of the Sub Committee. RESOLVED: That under procurement Standing Order 1.8.2 (e) Standing Order 4.1 be waived in respect of commissioning Phil Bews and Castle Fine Art Foundry (nr Oswestry, Powys, Wales) as the preferred artist and foundry. |
March 2012 CALL IN: 9th March
2012 Any matter decided by the Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 9th March 2012 |