Agenda and minutes

Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board - Wednesday, 8th February, 2017 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 229 KB



            The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th November 2016 having been circulated were signed as a correct record.


Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 215 KB


            It was confirmed that three public questions had been received and would be submitted and addressed as part of Minute No 20.


Executive Board Minutes pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered the Minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board relevant to the Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board.


            RESOLVED: That the Minutes be received.



Performance Management Reports for Quarter 2 of 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which detailed the second quarter performance management report for 2015/16 on progress against service objectives/milestones and performance targets and provided information related to key developments and emerging issues that had arisen in relation to-:


·         Development and Investment Services;

·         Highways and Transportation, Logistics and Development Services;

·         Waste and Environmental Improvement and Open Space Services; and

·         Housing Strategy.


            As part of the discussion around the work of the Community Payback Team in the borough, it was agreed that a further report be brought to the Board detailing work the Team had undertaken recently.


RESOLVED: That the second quarter management report be noted.


Proposed waiting restrictions around Runcorn Hill pdf icon PDF 1 MB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director Enterprise, Community and Resources, which outlined the proposal to introduce waiting restrictions on parts of Park Road, Highlands Road, Campbell Avenue and Heath Grove in Runcorn near to Runcorn Hill Park, in order to address parking congestion.


            Following the recent improvements to Runcorn Hill Park, several complaints had been received about problems caused by parked vehicles from residents living on adjacent roads. These complaints had been received either directly from residents, through Ward Councillors or from PCSO’s and were in regard to:


·         Congestion caused by vehicles double parking (i.e. parking on both sides of the road) which could block access for residents and for emergency vehicles;

·         Dangers to children crossing from the café to the park (because of double parking); and

·         Blocked accesses to residential properties.


Following advertisement of the proposed waiting restrictions in September 2015, 15 objections were received from residents of Highlands Road and members of Runcorn & District Scale Model Boats Group. Subsequently, Officers met with some of the residents from Highlands Road to explain the proposals and discuss their objections. Details of the points raised by those residents who objected to the proposal and Officers responses were detailed in the report.


In respect of the 8 objections received from the Boats Group, it was reported that these were mainly objecting to reduced availability of parking near the lake as some members had mobility issues and their access to the lake would be restricted. However, it was noted that additional parking was to be made available with access from Heath Road South that could be used by members of the Model Boat Group and if the members had a blue badge they could also stop on the double yellow lines for up to through hours.


It was noted that Plans were currently being drawn up for an improved and expanded car parking facility at the north end of Highlands Road close to the original Runcorn Hill Park car park. Subject to funding, the additional facilities could be in place by the Summer of 2018.


            In accordance with Standing Order No.34 (9), the following public questions were submitted to the Board by email:


QUESTION 1 - Mr Higginson


Within the document the following statement is made “The Old Car Park has been closed and is only suitable for large events …… due to poor visibility entering and leaving the car park”.


This car park has been operational for many, many years going back to my childhood in Runcorn. Its layout has not been radically changed after its refurbishment. It can accommodate of the order of 25/30 vehicles. Its closure has resulted in these vehicles being forced to park elsewhere, thus worsening the situation.


The provision of the parking restrictions on Park Road will result in the side of the road where the entrance is being clear of vehicles, thus even improving the visibility from what is was previously.


Can the Council confirm what their rational is in coming to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Joint Waste Local Plan - Monitoring Report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 337 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which advised that the Joint Waste Local Plan (WLP) Monitoring report, which covered the 12 month period from 1st April 2015 to 21st March 2016, had been prepared, a copy of which had been previously circulated to Members. The WLP for Merseyside and Halton was adopted by Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St. Helens, Sefton and Wirral Councils with effect from 18th July 2013 and this was the third annual Monitoring Report. The report highlighted key developments over the 2015/16 period for both the Liverpool City Region and Halton.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


Highways Asset Management Plan pdf icon PDF 265 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which sought approval for the Part 2 of the Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP). The Board had previously endorsed Part 1, Chapters 1-4, of the HAMP on 13th January 2016 and it was subsequently approved by the Executive Board on 7th April 2016. Approval of the HAMP would serve as a foundation for other detailed plans and strategies based on the principles and objectives of the HAMP.


RESOLVED: That the Board endorse the Highway Asset Management Plan and its forwarding to the Executive Board for approval.



Fixed Penalty Notices for Fly Tipping Offences pdf icon PDF 279 KB


            The Board considered a report which provided Members with details of the new powers which enable Council’s to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for fly-tipping offences and requested approval to endorse proposals in respect of the suggested approach to the use of these new powers in Halton. It was reported that both nationally and locally statistics indicated that fly tipping was on the increase.


            At a previous meeting of the Board held on 16th November 2016, Members of the Board were advised of efforts to reduce incidents of fly tipping and the Waste Working Party was asked to consider the Council’s approach to the use of Fixed Penalty Notices for fly tipping offences. The report set out details of the Council’s new powers and following the work undertaken by the Waste Working Party, the proposals in respect of the suggested Fixed Penalty Notice levels to be set by the Council.


            Having considered the options available it was recommended that the Council introduced Fixed Penalty Notices for fly-tipping offences set at the maximum level of £400 with a discounted amount of £300 if paid within 10 days.


            RESOLVED: That


1)    Members receive the report;


2)    the Council’s approach to dealing with fly-tipping as set out in the report be endorsed; and


3)    a report be presented to the Executive Board recommending that the Council’s Fixed Penalty Notice levels for fly-tipping offences be set at the amounts detailed within in this report.